The Player Editor



I want to use the player editor to add players to the national teams, and change the attributes of some of the existing players. I did a 'Base Copy' changed the settings and then saved the player back into the team, and when I was confronted with a dialog asking me to confirm overwriting I okayed it. But when I go to the team selection panel just before embarking on a tour I find that there are two players, with the same name. Obviously changing the name of the newly created player would do the trick but how can I delete the older weaker player?
you cant so far, its a bug which hopefully people wil fix it. The second person that is listed is the modified person
All you have done is create a new player. You need to overwrite the existing player by selecting add to database and copying over him after you have created your base copy. There should only be one player then. This is un-doable by selecting delete player from the team management menu which will restore the original player.

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