The Release Date Thread, where all Release Date posts must go


This guy gets it
Jul 8, 2009
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New Zealand (Silver Fern)
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
  2. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
...this is the fourth thread.

It's also the official thread of...



So what's your best guess? I might even put up a prize if you get it right (or @MattW will...). Why do you think it'll be that date? Do you think it'll be delayed? Will it have a cake-based launch? Do you like movies about Gladiators?

All this and more...

My best guess: 11/11/16

Because, reasons.
Last edited:
10/19/16 or
12/23/16[DOUBLEPOST=1459306855][/DOUBLEPOST]10/19/16 or
Nov 17th'ish :)
I know it's not 4th quarter but all I'm saying is they are missing a trick not releasing in Early September
Because the 4th quarter allows us to promise that things (such as 'all that' and 'more') about the game will be revealed in Early September.
27 Aug.
Sir Donald Bradman's Birthday.
I know it's going to release later.
But it will be an honor to release it on his Birthday.
Or Nov 30.
He made his test debut on Nov 30 1928.
I think it will be the ninetheenth moon node in the year of the mongoose with a special guest appearance by Mogul Lumpsack on a live stream from somewhere north of the Crab Nebula.....or am I mixing that up with the day I might actually kiss a real woman....

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