The Wardrobe Thread

Just invested in a pair of black plimsoles from Topman, ?15 (not a bad price) and very nice too.
The Singer from The Wombats, those shoes he's wearing in the "Joy Division" video, are sexy as hell, I want them!.
They're New Balance trainers. Couldn't tell you the specific type though.
This thread seriously needs bumping. :D

I now have monies, and will have even more by the end of the week, and have vowed to spend a fair amount on clothes. I've already spent ?70 at River Island, buying this nice ensemble (well the t-shirt, belt and hoody anyway). River Island

I'm also obsessed with a jacket I saw a few days ago, it's a Superdry Brad Leather Jacket, and I think the picture below should be more than enough reason to buy it. Not only does the jacket/hoody combination look awesome, but it's being worn by probably the 3rd Coolest man on the planet, after Matthew Pritchard and Brendon McCullum. Just annoying that it's 175 notes really, but I am tempted, just depends how much monies I get for my Birthday on Sunday. Actual shop link


I'll have to have a good old gander on ASOS for some decent stuff as well, there's always nice stuff on there. I still want some Evisu's but they're so overpriced it's not even worth the money atm I don't think. I could end January and begin Febuary having spent quite a large amount of money on clothes, especially if I buy that jacket!
I don't think every piece of clothing I own totals ?175, and they want that for one freaking jacket! :eek:
What will surprise you even more is that for a decent jacket that's actually a good price, I did a google search to try and find one similar for cheaper, and thought I'd found one until I saw the price, ?330. So really, ?175 isn't too bad at all really. Just depends how much money I have by the end of the month, if I've got ?400+ I'll buy it, I've not exactly got anything else to spend my money on atm, and it is one sexy jacket. The Jacket-Hoody combination goes together very nicely.

Also, how can all you clothes not come to ?175? You need to get on ASOS and buy yourself some sexy new threads Lee mate ;)
lol, I got a leather jacket for free from my Uncle, but it cost $800 at the time of purchase
Who in the right mind would spend so much money, $350, on a jacket? Sure, they're out there, but its kind of a waste tbh. I prefer hoodies, you can get like 10 for that price here :p.

But, whatever rocks your boat. :cheers
But you wear the jacket with a hoody ;) I think I'm going to order it as soon as I've got the money tbh, I really like it, and being a decent make it's going to last a while. Hopefully order in the next week or so =)
One of our my familys friends go me a Paul and shark jumper the other day worth about ?200. Now ok he's a multi millionaire but still I was shocked. My mum wouldn't take it off him but I accepted, see I'm allowed to wear that gear as I'm a master boat driver myself, getting my 40 foot license or something soon :D Sriously though, the socks from that place cost like ?40, it's like wtf!

My parents hang around with the wrong people though, in the past few months I have been convinced that if it isn't branded then why wear it. At the same time now I'm wearing trackys and a football top though so I still retain my slightly chavvy background which is alright.

Atm though I just like buying polo shirts that really help show off my ever growing arms :p

and I hate the hat Beckhams wearing, everyone wears them! I stick to hoods to keep my head warm, even if everytime I walk down an alleyway some old women thinks I'm about to rob her.

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