Time when A great cricketer Earned only 20,000 from 30 years of cricket career!!!!

vaibhav mehta

Chairman of Selectors
Sep 29, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Professor DEVDHAR Was Borned On 14th January 1892.He worked his whole life to Give identity to Indian cricket in International arena!He was Explosive Batsman of his time.He was the first batsman to scored 100 against any foregin team.He did this when he scored 146 against england in 1926,Actually that time it was not known as Team england but known as M.C.C. Everone expected him to be appointed as an indian captain when India did play their 1st test match.But Unfortunetly he was not selected even in playing 11 when India declared squad for their 1st test match. Reason was given to him that he was so old that time(40 years old).
Despite the fact that he was playing wonderfull at that time!After not getting the chance in test squad he continued playing Cricket for ‘MAHARASTRA’,and won two times RANJIT TROPHY as a captain.When he said good bye to cricket,he was 54 years old,He scored Half-century in both ininngs of his last test match.He was so special because he never played for Money,It was his love towards the game.
When he was 80 Years old MAHARASTRA CRICKET ASSOCIATION gave him 80 thousend rupees as honour But he added more 20,000 rupees in that and gifted back to MAHARASTRA CRICKET ASSOCIATION for Devlopment of Domestic cricket!Most Poor Part of that was his last words where he said he was so sorry for such a small amount of help but he could not able to earn more.
But as usual In 1973 Indian cricket Board realized his contribution towards game and they announced 1st Ever ODI in india between SOUTH ZONE and WEST ZONE named as DEVDHAR TROPHY!It was on 21 november 1973.
He died on 24th august 1993 when he was 101 years old.At that time he was the longest lived Cricketer..

So that was the nobel,Honest and game loving PROFESSOR DINKAR BALVANT DEVDHAR…May god praise his soul! Ameen…….
Whatever you say lack of media activity,lack of popularity,he didn’t get enough that he deserved..
I know I get more readers if I would have wrote about MS DHONI or 20-20…But you can’t forget to give these peoples their earned Respect..I am not writing about him because he did lot for indian cricket…He never did that to only indian cricket..He did for great game of cricket..Today we have money,20-20,Ms dhoni all because these peoples all around the world made cricket a great game…
I know its easy to describe sachin tendulkar because he always there when india need him…But he still earn 24 lakhs from MRF only for Sticker on his bat…But these peoples were there when CRICKET need them!!
And when A great cricketer Earned only 20,000Rs(500 US DOLLARS) from 30 years of cricket career!!!!

@Written By Vaibhav Mehta for Fantasycricketbyvibhu.com
and edited for Planetcricket.net
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Are you kidding? Rs. 20,000 is like God send money at that time.

Devdhar :hpraise
Are you kidding? Rs. 20,000 is like God send money at that time.

Devdhar :hpraise

I expected this type of answer dear...:D
You only paid your attention towards money and not the time he spend for this great game!I am not authorised to post here pics of his house and how he died because he had no money to treat his very minor disease!:(
But you can read that on Dreamcricket.com next Month.
If you count 20,000 Rs as 2 Lakhs Rs of this time,then also do you think Someone spend 30 years of his life for cricket?
If you still think you can find someone who spend his whole career for 2 lakhs Rs then sorry.May be i was wrong and he is not great!
Who knows because of his 20,000 Rs MAHARASTRA CRICKET ASSOCIATION have produced some wonderful players like SACHIN!

And if Rs. 20,000 is like God send money at that time,then think How much courage you need to give them for game?
There was never any real money in cricket in India untill 1996 Wills World Cup. Therefore to think Sachin was a product of MCA being cash rish is wrong.

The only reason why people play cricket first is because they love the game and anyone would love the chance to represent country at heighest level. Good that the guy gave 30 yeasr to cricket but what did he do in his spare time. If he was smart enough then he should have found job for himself. It wasnt that jobs were scare at that time.
Ya dear I was waiting for you...Sid..These days you are after me!.lol..
About job:Read his name once more,It is started with Professor.He was Professor Of "SANSKRIT LANGUAGE".Anyway i can't argue with you.You are so strong for me so whatever i lost..:D
I'm sorry but this information looks false to me.
I searched for this "Professor Devdhar" on cricinfo then google and he doesn't exist. If he'd of played a test match, I'd have known him.

Do you have a profile page to prove he exists?
Yeah, I have to apologise vaibhav but you spelt his name wrong each time, which was a bit misleading.

Since the members of the first Indian side were not going to play many tests anyway he could of been selected. It would have been interesting to see how he got on if he played test cricket.
No worry sir,I know Staff Members and Mods are always after new Member.May be its their Job.
I don't mind,But i am not that type of person who post False information.Actually before you lots of people already tried to search that so!!!
I just get this artical ready for Partab Ramchand on Dreamcricket.com so he is doing all this spell work.Anyway i thought as i had authority,i can post it first of all here but i don't think people really enjoying it!!
Hope its your job to search this artical on cricinfo or google but If you think they have always all information then you are wrong sir!
I'll just post some Information about R. DRAVID before he became the cricketer after 1 hour.Try it you won't find it anywhere untill next month on Fantasycricketbyvibhu.com and dreamcricket.com...

And i bet you his name was DEVDHAR not DEODHAR(according to cricinfo).
I have some of his photo and awards given by BCCI and there it was DEVDHAR not DEODHAR..
I see if i can i'll post his photo and remaining.Thank you anyway sir!
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Yeah cricinfo is not bible of cricket. They can even miss out on stuff. Wonder why everone heres so into it.
Indian cricket has come a long way... i wonder what his opinion was of ODI cricket.

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