Panel of Selectors
Well here is Step by Step how this trial will go.
1st. I will see who is interested. ie. first I will get 10 people to join for the debate. 5 per team. First in first served.
2nd. I will then pick a question and post it.
3rd. Straight after I will randomize who is affirmative and who are negetive.
4th. I will post who is on what side of the debate
5th. I will get each member to PM me their arguement. I will then give them permission or not to post it (I will keep the original, this will also stop flaring).
6th. Once I get them all I will post them one by one. Then I will randomize one person from each side to have one more say. They will sum up etc (captain).
7th. I will find 2-3 other judges (not competing) that I trust will not be unbiased and we will vote for which team we think are the most convincing.
8th. I will post the winner.
I would want each piece about 300-400 words with a max at 500.
Each post must be within forum rules
This is for fun, dont take it too seriously.
So Post here if you are interested. As I said, first in first served. If you sign up I must ask you to stick to this and not leave because this could get very confusing otherwise. Sorry to those who miss out. If there is another one I will try to give you a go.
Interested Members:
1. The Majestic
2. hitterman
3. scion_sid
4. madmusician
5. Tassietiger
6. Highlander999
7. Adarsh
8. Giggity Giggity
9. vaibhav mehta
10. cricketmaddude
Reps are the prize for winning team (if mods dont mind)
1st. I will see who is interested. ie. first I will get 10 people to join for the debate. 5 per team. First in first served.
2nd. I will then pick a question and post it.
3rd. Straight after I will randomize who is affirmative and who are negetive.
4th. I will post who is on what side of the debate
5th. I will get each member to PM me their arguement. I will then give them permission or not to post it (I will keep the original, this will also stop flaring).
6th. Once I get them all I will post them one by one. Then I will randomize one person from each side to have one more say. They will sum up etc (captain).
7th. I will find 2-3 other judges (not competing) that I trust will not be unbiased and we will vote for which team we think are the most convincing.
8th. I will post the winner.
I would want each piece about 300-400 words with a max at 500.
Each post must be within forum rules
This is for fun, dont take it too seriously.
So Post here if you are interested. As I said, first in first served. If you sign up I must ask you to stick to this and not leave because this could get very confusing otherwise. Sorry to those who miss out. If there is another one I will try to give you a go.
Interested Members:
1. The Majestic
2. hitterman
3. scion_sid
4. madmusician
5. Tassietiger
6. Highlander999
7. Adarsh
8. Giggity Giggity
9. vaibhav mehta
10. cricketmaddude
Reps are the prize for winning team (if mods dont mind)
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