Voldemort's downloads for Cricket 2004 - Reawakened

Voldemort could you please make me a blue pitchad with CHELSEA written on it in white and the logo in my avatar in front of it?
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Well I have three new Downloads For You The First is a kit for the umpire during test matches.The second A new developed shirt for the Kenyan's where the black stripes have been changed into green.and the Third Chelsea's pitch AD:clap
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Thanks Voldemort for the Chelsea pitch ad. :friends
Made a new rope for the Cocal Cola graphics patch this one is of coca cola
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Well i made two new kits for the umpires in test and odi in odi he wears maroon and in test he wears black.screenhots and if you want to make him were other colous please ask me so i will be glad to help you.

the ODI Kit

The test kit

Now i have a happy news for all of you i am going to make a vediocon stump in which you can see the lens of the camers but n all three stumps coming soon...
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