What is Six Hit Button ?


School Cricketer
Apr 8, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello everybody ;

I'm new to this game and facing few difficulties with controls. After reading the manual ; I'm more confused about few things.

I'm not getting followings ...

[1] Six Hit button : In the Game Controls ; there is Left Shift button assigned to this activity. I tried to use this key ; but nothing happens. So what's this Six Hit Button anyway ?

[2] I'm not able to play different type of shots. The only shot I can play is coming down the track and attack on the ball which always results in straight drive. According to manual ; there is advanced shot key ; but with that key I'm not able to play other shots. Am I missing something ? What should be the mode of game ? Is there any restriction on this feature ?

Sometimes , I start feeling that I have not got the correct copy of game. Because , the manual says something ; and when I try to do the same ; I don't get to work. :( Fustratated.

Anyways. Waiting for your reply ...
hi new player (cracking name by the way),

1. The six hit button is a power boost. But it also slightly modifies the shot type. When the bowler is running in hold it down when you play your shot your player will play an aggressive shot.

If you try a sweep shot with six hit depressed you'll play a reverse sweep.

2. It sounds like your keys are incorrectly configured. go to the options menu and you can edit your keyboard controls from there. S should be a front foot shot and W a back foot shot.

However, if you are playing on Easy mode the computer will decide front and back foot for you.

Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot. Just what I was not understanding ...

Still , I'm not able to give the direction to my shot. How to give directiob to the shot ? I couldn't find any control in the Control Map for that.

You all talk about the different shots. The manual also has explained it with one circular diagram ; but don't know how you people play those shot. Because ; when I attempt to play anything else than straight drive ; my batsman leaves the ball or just plays it in forward defence. What may be wrong in this ?

I think the key sequence is also important. Right ? Well , I couldn't play the shot may be because I couldn't give direction to the shot.

Can you please tell me more about it ?
You hav to hold down the relevant arrow keys for the shot and then press front/back foot to hit the ball- shift key for 6-hit
Oh k.
I just press the six-hit-button with batsmen advance shot and it goes FLYING.
Great ! Thanks for the tip brad352. There I was wrong. I was pressing D : advance shot and then the arrow key ; but no where the front/back foot shot keys.

Now , I think I have to practice it in Nets to time the shot correctly.

Thanks once again.

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