What's the first forum you signed up?



For me it is the old Cricket 2002 forums which was probably hosted by Netfirms.I signed up just to get a few downloads.
I didn't realy have a clue about what forum was.I don't think that I made even 5 posts in that forum.
What's your? :)
I signed up to the blc sport forums, now named the planetcricket forums.
B) i think vineet had another forum before this ,i was there but never took part ,or posted ,then this forum was my first where i started posting ,and still i am
Yes that's the forum I first signed up ,but never took part in it. :tease:
this forum but never posted(maybe a couple) then i found ###### and started to post there...made me comeback here and i havent recently posted here
I joined at sum wrestling forum because a mate wanted me to, but i hardly ever posted there.
Cricket 2002.tk forums but I hardly visit or post any thing now
The 1st forum I signed up was cricket2002.tk-the mother of all cricket game forums. :thumbs:
Mines also cricket2002.tk ! :cheer: :thumbs: But I hardly visit now... ^_^
Mine was EA Sports cricket forum hosted by easportscricket.com . I posted a lot there but now i just read the posts more than posting.

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