Would banning India from all cricket stop these attacks?

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International Cricketer
Dec 11, 2007
Droylsden, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
Well, after more terrorist attacks today in Mumbai, we have had to call off the rest of the ODI's for Player safety. But, I have thought of something on the way to college, we all know that in India Cricket is the national sport and virtually everyone watches it, but, with these terrorist attacks getting more frequent, would banning all cricket in India (including domestic and National games) stop the terrorist attacks?

Your views please.
No, why would it? They're not targetting cricketers, they're targetting the tourists. They were trying to get people with British or American passports.

If they wanted to target cricket, they'd bomb the grounds.

But it might be safe to stop tours there for the next month or two.
No, why would it? They're not targetting cricketers, they're targetting the tourists. They were trying to get people with British or American passports.

If they wanted to target cricket, they'd bomb the grounds.

But it might be safe to stop tours there for the next month or two.

Because with virtually everyone liking cricket, if they say that all cricket is suspended until the attacks stop then the terrorists might think twice.
I am just having a laugh at your views. Its like a child saying after the 9/11 icident "ban all the business centres in US".
I am just having a laugh at your views. Its like a child saying after the 9/11 icident "ban all the business centres in the US".

It was just an idea... Everyone has there own views, and I don't think laughing at it is the mature way of reading them.
Damn these Terrorists!!!Well there can't be International teams touring India now for a month as it is India have a tour of Pakistan after the 2 tests with England and they're not playing much games at home after the England series.

shubhrayu added 0 Minutes and 52 Seconds later...

Well, after more terrorist attacks today in Mumbai, we have had to call off the rest of the ODI's for Player safety. But, I have thought of something on the way to college, we all know that in India Cricket is the national sport and virtually everyone watches it, but, with these terrorist attacks getting more frequent, would banning all cricket in India (including domestic and National games) stop the terrorist attacks?

Your views please.

Banning all Cricket is no solution no tours for a month would make it better
Because with virtually everyone liking cricket, if they say that all cricket is suspended until the attacks stop then the terrorists might think twice.

Maybe, I see your reasoning but I think there terrorism plans are more important then watching cricket for them.
It was just an idea... Everyone has there own views, and I don't think laughing at it is the mature way of reading them.
Your post wasn't mature either. I just told you it was like a child....

The terrorists activities actually go on throughout the world. Its just that they happen in our part of the world a lot more often. As you know the civil war betwwe Sinhalis & Tamilians is going on in Srilanka from ages, but we still have cricket played there. Definately, banning cricket in India is not any soluton to these terrorist attacks. Infact cricket has no relation with these attacks. I dont know why you think banning it will stop these attacks.
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Well We're no weak country anymore that we would become vulnerable to these Coward Terrorists.After a month all's gonna be good.
Your post wasn't mature either. I just told you it was like a child....

The terrorists activities actually go on throughout the world. Its just that they happen in our part of the world a lot more often. As you know the civil war Sinhalis & Tamilians is going on in Srilanka from ages, but we still have cricket played there. Definately, banning cricket in India is not any soluton to the terrorist attcks. Infact cricket has no relation with these attcks. I dont know why you think banning it will stop these attacks.

So a post from someone who is 18 (in 3 days) isn't mature...?

Im not saying cricket has any relation to the attacks, but with it being a national sport, the terrorists might think twice about the actions, thats better than some UN peace keeping crap that just stands around and says "Were neautral on this matter"
Im not saying cricket has any relation to the attacks, but with it being a national sport, the terrorists might think twice about the actions, thats better than some UN peace keeping crap that just stands around and says "Were neautral on this matter"

Banning a past time that is enjoyed by over a billion innocent civilians is terrorism. Isn't it?
So a post from someone who is 18 (in 3 days) isn't mature...?

Im not saying cricket has any relation to the attacks, but with it being a national sport, the terrorists might think twice about the actions, thats better than some UN peace keeping crap that just stands around and says "Were neautral on this matter"
First of all cricket is not the national sport of India. Its hockey. And as I said that post wan't mature (even if you are 18) , so there is no point having a dicussion about it.
First of all cricket is not the national sport of India. Its hockey. And as I said that post wan't mature (even if you are 18) , so there is no point having a dicussion about it.

Well if Hockey is the national sport howcome I have never heard of India in the Hockey? Considering if it is, then you are really poor at showing it...
So you think the terrorists will suddenly see the error of their ways if a few games of cricket are called off? haha, one of the most ludicrous things I've ever read.
I just don't think it would,somehow I think that the terrorists aren't ardent cricket followers who only do terrorism as a past time.
While I respect your views I think your going in entirely the wrong direction.
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