OTHER AFL 23 game

Game js in a good place now.Sure not perfect collision detection in some areas not good at.Time to start adding more features eg rolling seasons not one and done etc and getting the correct date on the stats board and not having all players with the same amount of brownlow votes.Plenty to do
something interesting or not but turn on automatic interchange and the team becomes noticibly worse.Probably not that relevant to use interchanges when its 2.5m quarters but i supposes its an authentic part of the game.One other thing in most games you get an accelerated time clock whereas here its the actual time.I think at the very least that needs to be an option to have an accelerated time clock.
todays patch not great .Easy level has become much easier if that makes any sense.Players running randomly,and controller going mad after the game unable to click on anything .Plugging and unplugging didn't help.Also players facing the wrong way eg when you are defending after a behind.Player can't move until ball comes out and then is often facing wrong direction.This was supposedly fixed.On the plus side the auto interchanging seems more considerate.I am of the school of thought that would like the option to skip toss and in play scenes as they are all the same anyway.Also would be nice to have a banner editor.Are the spelling mistakes deliberate and authentic or just another bug.
Not sure if latest patch breaks it or makes the game better.Seems more scripted now and shots overpowered.Also collision control when taking a mark is horrendous. Had 2 games which I won by a point one a behind as time expired so I suppose thats good
Difference between having auto interchange on and off is huge.Game plays very differently.There is now a power bar next to players name for some it depletes and others not at all.No patch for 3 days .Must be coming to the point where the game is considered good enough.
patch dropped today that modified kicking so that every shot isn't automatically 6 points.However when kicking after a mark sometimes you get rushed or ball goes in opposite direction to where you aim is this a bug or because i held the button too long.Game would benefit from a training mode i would think.Still collision control issues.Think this is something that I have a feeling won't get solved .Same in the cricket games .It doesn't break the game but it doesn't help it either.
Well latest patch has made a huge difference looks like a normal game .Game is in a good place now still the odd stray player and occasional player running through another player but its occasional not every time and they have speeded up the toss .Yay..Get it launched on x-box and move onto the cricket game.Would like to see a banner editor i am sure we can come up with some better ones.
well we have now got to the stage where patchs are now breaking things.On the latest patch the pitch hud doesn't disappear when taking a shot .Next the oppostion ai is making weird decsions like going backwards when shots are on but worse is that a mark is no longer always a mark and it plays on so you up holding the ball.We were almost there and now we aren't.
well we have now got to the stage where patchs are now breaking things.On the latest patch the pitch hud doesn't disappear when taking a shot .Next the oppostion ai is making weird decsions like going backwards when shots are on but worse is that a mark is no longer always a mark and it plays on so you up holding the ball.We were almost there and now we aren't.
Unfortunately a known ' tactic', And when someone complains about it they get abuse or blocked. They will walk away from the game right after they have broken what was good. How do I know: track record.
Unfortunately a known ' tactic', And when someone complains about it they get abuse or blocked. They will walk away from the game right after they have broken what was good. How do I know: track record.

You used to be one of their staunchest defenders and believers once. To see you be cynical about the devs in this manner shows how much they’ve dropped the ball in recent years.
You used to be one of their staunchest defenders and believers once. To see you be cynical about the devs in this manner shows how much they’ve dropped the ball in recent years.
Or how much of even more of a miserable git I have become!:p
Its something that happens quite often and isn't in any way exclusive to big ant.I may have mentioned it earlier if it wasn't for the patches and to see whats changed i would probably have stopped playing it by now.I've done 2 seasons i can win on easy and easiest and lose on medium.I've taken Carlton to heights not seen since the 80's when they were decent at least when they started showing vfl in the uk as it was then .Sydney were the only non vic team if my memory servers me right and we had post season friendlies at the oval.

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