BLIC File Formats & Changes

im more worried about editing the gameplay. will it be possible to edit the following things.

CPU running between the wickets
CPU leaving the ball
CPU aggression (better timed innings and runchases)

plz say yes
I think last should be possible after finding config files.
wouldnt all 3 be in the config files?

have ppl been able to crack the bag files yet?
Asjad said:
I wish someone would come up with a import/export script for 3ds max for the .cap files in the .bag files, that way making original bowling actions for all players will be possible.
that surely will be pretty cool...I'm sure patch makers will come up with some sort of crack soon...can't wait for it!
sameer0807 said:
that surely will be pretty cool...I'm sure patch makers will come up with some sort of crack soon...can't wait for it!

yeah hope they do...iam just saying this because i can animate well in 3ds max, once we have an import//export script...i can make the cutscenes longer i.e. the wicket keeper giving the ball back, the bowler's full runup, better celebrations, appeal posers, new and original bowling actions like Mcgrath, wasim akram, waqar younis's , brett lee's and pretty much everything that is included in the .cap files. Nice things to dream about eh? but it is ver much possible.
Hey - just wondering if any of the aforesaid crackers have had any luck since this topic dried anyone working on it, and has anyone managed anything more, which might inspire on someone get the idea. Sharing info might speed up the process. Maybe. :cheers

Can someone post up all the different types of files located in any of the BAG or BIN files?? It's just that the games on my new computer and that doesn't have internet yet so...Yh
I hope these things will be tweakable but will take time.

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