Cricket 2004 bugs list


International Cricketer
Aug 30, 2003
Post your bugs here :

Following are the known bugs yet

? Bowl sometimes passes through the player as if he is transparent
? During catches, the fielder appears to be far form the ball and when the ball is about to land...the fielder suddenly appears closer and catch is taken
1.) You have to select your team before you see the pitch/match conditions.
2.) When you cancel a run, the batsmen takes off too fast. I have been runout for no reason, in Cricket 2002 you could easily cancel.
3.) If you cancel a run, occasionally no runs are counted for.
4.)For some reason, all the Pakistani faces seem to be the same while bowling.
like I said in another thread STUUUUUPID AI running on medium (and possibkly other) levels.
Espexially when hit past the bowler and mid off (and maybe mid on) has to jog a bit to get the ball.
I just got the game and am currently playing in a Pura Cup Match: NSW vs. WA and have found these few small errors so far.

1. When stats for the batsmen are shown, just before the bowler bowls, the number of sixes and fours scored by the batsmen are sometimes incorrect.

2. I didn't choose Mail in my team (I put Mark Waugh in his place). But in the match when I look through a few of the detailed statistics it still has Mail's name in those match stats.

3. Sometimes during the delivery after a wicket has fallen, a fielder walks right to the middle of the pitch when the bolwer is running in.

By the way, there is also a few other bugs from Cricket 2002 still present.

Hopefully EASPORTS can come out with a patch very soon to fix these small problems and also the easy/medium difficutly problem most people are having.

Also if I find any other bugs, I will post them.
Yes, I had the fielder walking on the pitch while the bowler was running up to the bowlers crease.

Also Jason Gillespie's name is spelt wrong on the scorecard.
Bomber, some names are spelt wrong because they have had to shorten them to fit them in.

I don't know wether this is a bug or not, but the keeper seems to let through about 40 byes per game?
Human and CPU
Yeah I had the byes problem also.

Here are some other bugs I have experienced.

- The bowling stamina never changes.

- Some of the wagon wheel and other graphical stats are totally wrong for some players.

- I selected a team at the start of the match and then when I got to the 2nd innings my team had totally changed back to the Cricket 2004 default line-up for that team (This also happened back in Cricket 2002).
With players changing back. If you change a default player, say a default player for australia is beven, if u creayte him as steve waugh,a nd make him right handed and everything, it will keep him in the game. its just if u choose waugh from the squad b4 a game, it doesnt work, u have to make a default player in to the player u want in ur starting line up, heaps annoying, but at least there is a way around it
Originally posted by johnsma2
With players changing back. If you change a default player, say a default player for australia is beven, if u creayte him as steve waugh,a nd make him right handed and everything, it will keep him in the game. its just if u choose waugh from the squad b4 a game, it doesnt work, u have to make a default player in to the player u want in ur starting line up, heaps annoying, but at least there is a way around it

Good tip, will come in handy tomorrow when I get the game :cool: . Meanwhile pray your test against the Windies doesnt get marred by rain, in one another Cricket 2004 forum its mentioned the game gets struck when it rains. Apparently someone reports he lost over a day of cricket due to this bug, looks like they are compensating for the lack of rain in Cricket 2002.:D Look in the link below

Rain mayhem
Yes can members indicate here whether this raining all day issue occurs everytime or just sporadically?
i didnt think much of it, but it rained from 1 , and washed the rest of day out, so yeah looks like u lose the rest of the day when it rains.....luckily aus vs windies im playing in the sunny and hot condiitons of sydney hahaha im losing now :( some guy collymore is ripping through my top order, 5/90 bugga
one other thing, u can turn weather off, i dont know why but i was thinking it was relating to pitch conditions, but i just realised weather off means no chance of rain, so if it gets stupid u can turn it off

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