Cricket Game for the Wii?

Well I played it for four hours and hit the ball once and couldnt figure out to bowl since there is no manual.

If you have a lot of free space to swing the bat, a lot of patience to learn it and a lot of time there is no reason not to get the game. Sadly I have none of the three.
manee said:
Well I played it for four hours and hit the ball once and couldnt figure out to bowl since there is no manual.

If you have a lot of free space to swing the bat, a lot of patience to learn it and a lot of time there is no reason not to get the game. Sadly I have none of the three.
I agree about the game, but when playing for four hours and hitting the ball once you shouldn't criticise the game, you just aren't very good!

I played the game for less time then that and made decent scores. Bowling was very difficult though.
Yes, towards the end I realised that you had to swing very early.
Well I am on holidays at the moment so I guess I do have a fair bit of time and paitence. I think I would quite like this game. Does it feel like you are playing real cricket though?
Not 100%; you need to play the shots very early, but I imagine the rest would be good.
If there was one, there should be different remotes for batting and bowling.
The bowling should be a ball, with senseors and a wire attatched to a sort of board. The speed at which you hurl it is calculated by the tug of the string, and it calculates the speed, line and length. And revolutions/swing on the ball is found by the sensors...
Would be great :)
Left_Hander said:
I actually wanted this for Christmas. Seems quite good.

yes me to that was why I was wondering if anybody had used it yet? :-)
chirundu said:
yes me to that was why I was wondering if anybody had used it yet? :-)
I've used the Connectv Cricket game and unfortunately it's not the best. I would not recommend anyone to buy it.

Thanks for all the feedback - I guess the general feeling is don't add it to your Christmas wish list!

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