Cricket Leagues - Feedback and Suggestions


Chairman of Selectors
Nov 26, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
This is a place where you can give your Feedback and Suggestions on how we can make the Cricket Leagues section a better place.

Feel free to discuss anything to do with the Cricket Leagues section, but mainly on how we can improve it.

If I can give one piece of advice to new members here, it is participate in a few leagues before you start your own one.
Make sure you are going to complete a league if you are going to start one. Nothing worse than starting a league and then it being closed because you don't feel like continuing it.
CG & Hedgy, here comes the first suggestion.

Why don't we have a "Notices" thread.

The important notices of the leagues can be made there, so that the league threads can be prevented for silly bumps like League Canceled/League on hold etc etc.
I've unstickied the "League Of The Month(April)" thread, I'll open up a new one tomorrow for LOTM May/June.
CG & Hedgy, here comes the first suggestion.

Why don't we have a "Notices" thread.

The important notices of the leagues can be made there, so that the league threads can be prevented for silly bumps like League Canceled/League on hold etc etc.

Like Brendon said, you can just skip over the bumped threads.
Also if you don't want to bump the thread, you can just update the title, or post it here.
I don't think it's worth a new thread, as very few people would use it.
If they did that then people wouldn't read the notices thread because it would be full of leagues they don't want to read about :sarcasm

You should close the League of the Month-April thread so that it doesn't keep on getting bumped up.

Chewie added 0 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

do we still need the cricket league sign-up thread?

I was thinking that as well. Kinda redundant.
Only way we can improve this 'spam' (as many call it) forum is to prevent the overkill. I know it's difficult but there has to be a way. Everyone wants to start his own league. Even if he/she knows nothing about it, but still they have to.

About a month ago, Ollie did well to stop 'mafia games' overflow. Don't know what he did but still.
I've closed the LOTM thread. Well I think he managed to stop it because nobody was joining and a lot of people were pulling out. New people just start creating leagues which is annoying.
do we still need the cricket league sign-up thread?

It's not that important, but it's not really doing any harm as far as I know.
It was made a while ago as people were making separate sign-up threads for their leagues, and that thread prevents this from happening.

In terms of new members creating random leagues, that's one thing I'll 100% be trying to stop. ;)
I've closed the LOTM thread. Well I think he managed to stop it because nobody was joining and a lot of people were pulling out. New people just start creating leagues which is annoying.

I Think if you have the Power to delete thread than you should delete that threads. Like Rohit opened 2 thread and now he is banned. So you should delete that kind of threads.
I Think if you have the Power to delete thread than you should delete that threads. Like Rohit opened 2 thread and now he is banned. So you should delete that kind of threads.

There's no need to delete it.
As no one can post in it anymore, it will eventually go down the list and off the first page.

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