DBC 14 batting, my favourite stuff

This place never ceases to amaze me.
Well I've got a bit of experience of doing dumb / hilarious stuff on cricket fields, although it would be a bit flattering to call it extensive.

My batting / bowling was way ahead of the rest of my game as a junior and I was just naturally slow over the ground, so if I got a game with serious cricketers my fielding / running was pretty much guaranteed not to impress anyone, and my club took things fairly seriously. We had quite a few players with FC / List A or regular county 2nd team experience, and a few juniors who played county / England at age group level and ended up with FC careers of varying levels of success, and one guy who went all the way.

I did manage to do useful stuff in games on occasion but on the whole my cricket was much more about comedy failures.
I once watched Merv Hughes in the field at the Basin Reserve...
Well I've got a bit of experience of doing dumb / hilarious stuff on cricket fields, although it would be a bit flattering to call it extensive.

My batting / bowling was way ahead of the rest of my game as a junior and I was just naturally slow over the ground, so if I got a game with serious cricketers my fielding / running was pretty much guaranteed not to impress anyone, and my club took things fairly seriously. We had quite a few players with FC / List A or regular county 2nd team experience, and a few juniors who played county / England at age group level and ended up with FC careers of varying levels of success, and one guy who went all the way.

I did manage to do useful stuff in games on occasion but on the whole my cricket was much more about comedy failures.

so let me get this right... you've actually played cricket in real life? that really is news to me.
I've played at a good enough standard to have a clue what I'm talking about, not good enough to say a lot about it.

This irritates you because you feel like I sound pompous about it, or I've got an inflated idea of my own expertise, or something like that?
No I'm just surprised you kept it under wraps. I'm always talking about my 2 goals per game record for Gloucester Primary Schools B over in the Sensible Soccer Forums.

I literally cannot tell if you're being serious.

Taking it at face value : it's something I feel a bit weird about because I was 100% cricket mad for several years, really determined to do whatever I could to give myself a chance of turning pro, but at 18 I made the call that I was just too far down the pecking order at my county to have a decent shot. Seeing guys I knew who had been superstars in county U.19 cricket get chewed up and spat out in senior county cricket was pretty de-motivating, and really underlined the idea for me that to be in a good position to turn pro, at 18 the minimum I would need was to be a first choice U.19 county pick and be absolutely murdering the opposition.

My alternative career plan was playing music so I quit cricket completely to save my fingers. I'd broken my hand batting once already plus taken a bit of a nasty clonk just under the helmet in the county training nets over the winter and I just didn't want to keep taking risks on the off chance that I might suddenly get my shit together and change the selectors minds. I haven't played a serious game since.

I've got some fond memories of minor achievements - I wasn't often very good but I was never dull - but it's stuff that would be hilariously insignificant to anyone in pro cricket, so I can't really talk about it with a straight face, and it all tends to sound a bit better than it was unless I explain the context properly.

So anyway, where DBC is concerned, I've got a truly massive single player oriented batting itch that I desperately need a videogame to scratch, and luckily for me Pro Cam / career mode is right on the money. There are certain memories that are especially vivid, like the feeling of walking out to bat in a game with a murmuring crowd and the pro bowling, or in a county trial, or on a test match ground, and at its best DBC really does bring some of it back.
Well look, if it gets annoying every time I compare stuff in DBC to real batting experiences then ... um ... well I'm sorry, I guess? It's kind of difficult not to do that when that's the basis of the analysis though so I'm not planning any change of policy.

Dakota wanted to talk about how my video runout was my fault when I'd just spent ages explaining why it was my fault, apparently needed the fact that pro cricketers are pissed off when you run them out explaining, and offered analysis of the videos of the dodgy runs you can get away with via discussion of shot choices as if DBC physics worked like real physics rather than like a game engine.

That's a lot of stuff to try and unpack and it had nearly nothing to do with the posts he was quoting, and that's why I didn't want to bother.

--eta logging back in at 10pm on a friday evening just to say I didn't really intend my first reply to Dakota to sound rude, though. I just literally couldn't make sense of what he was saying, and simply wanted to inquire as to wtf he was talking about. I thought he sounded a bit hostile though so I didn't phrase it very diplomatically.

Maybe in truth I was afraid of the thread getting all clogged with more Dakota posts of indecipherable relevance, but with hindsight it's clear that this would have been preferable to me telling Dave my cricket life story, which was what happened instead.

So anyway, guys. I'm sorry I asked Dakota if he was mental. I didn't really intend that as a serious question.

I'm willing to throw in apologies for droning on and on and referencing "real cricket" all the time, and for anyone who read my cricket life story post.
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This is not the first time that this has happened where a member has failed to recognise humour.
Dave was having a dig at himself to say that was his best sporting achievement but he was been funny at the same time, I fail to see why you took offence to this?

I knew the runout was your fault I read the dam thing.
You did say you thought that the ball had gone for four runs so that’s why I said it was poor batting, poor judgement and poor running.

The game engine
Well it’s safe to say you premeditate all your shots when batting on DBC then, sure that takes your “itch” away.

Pro cricketers are upset when you run them out.
It could be that you have a reputation for this no wonder they would be pissed at you and maybe you have judged all test cricketers to be this way from experience because of your own errors.

How many have you actually ran out because it sounds like a list.
....too late to tell my story about being 12th man for the first XI in college? I've played cricket too! Include me!

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