TENNIS Full Ace Tennis

Great vid showing off the potential of this game in terms of gameplay: an online match.

Its amazing how much it feels like actual tennis: the variety in games and points is really immersive. Hands down the best tennis game in terms of gameplay by light years.
From the steam page:

Don't forget you can go to the store page and nominate Full Ace for the 'Labor of love' award. There is still time !

Version 1.14 of Full Ace Tennis Simulator improves gameplay, character movement, and a good number of animations. It is available now at :...

  • Visuals : Many fixes/improvements on overall character movement, transition to and from shots.
  • Rendering : Graphics engine's DirectX mode now uses DirectX 11. This should improve compatibility and performance on all computers, and opens up new graphical possibilities in the future.
  • Physics : Refined ball-net collision physics.
  • Gameplay : Tuned character speed, ability to change directions and overall rally rhythm.
  • Gameplay : Changes and improvements for on-screen objects (timing orb & serve gauge)
  • Gameplay : Tuned double tap power so it is easier to get intermediate values as well as fill it completely.
  • Gameplay : Added colour-blind mode.
  • Interface : Changed SETTINGS > CONTROLS menu and controller selection for more clarity.
  • Replay : Added replay after a challenge if the point was a winner.
  • Anim modding menu : Fix an issue in FBX Export that messed up "deplacement" and added sliding. Unfortunately the animations that were corrupted as a result of this can't be detected automatically and will have to be fixed by hand. Any FBX exported with an earlier version of the game shall be used with great care.
  • Anim modding menu : Added log control displaying duplicated animations with same Unique ID.
  • Anim modding menu : Allowed viewing modded animations and editing their flags when FBX source isn't available.
  • Anim modding menu : Disabled editing one hand/both hands flags for serve animations and when FBX source isn't available.
  • Editor display : Fixed animations display adding artificial sliding when shown in 3D view.
  • Bug fix : Fixed some issues when hitting the shot button very early with automatic preparation enabled.
  • Bug fix : Depth hint sometimes blinked when ball was bouncing near the net.
  • Bug fix : Many many bug and crash fixes.
Great vid showing off the potential of this game in terms of gameplay: an online match.

Isn't endless rallies one of the main complaints about the consoles tennis games.......

I dunno, this game must feel and play amazingly, because i just don't SEE it. Occasional odd animations, upper/lower body don't always seem to be in sync, rallies that go on and on, understandably poor graphics and pro "mods" that will be gone for console release. Definitely need to get my hands on this for a proper opinion.
According to steamdb they haven't sold more than 20000 copies.Thats really poor.They must do more to promote it and it needs to be cheaper at this point in my view
According to steamdb they haven't sold more than 20000 copies.Thats really poor.They must do more to promote it and it needs to be cheaper at this point in my view
The game was written by a single developer. I don't know, but he could be pretty happy with selling 20,000 copies.
I've got back into this game, after being away from it for a long time. It's really come a long way, and it's still being updated regularly. The mod FAMOD V1.4 really adds to the game, and also gets occasional updates.
I need to get back onto this, been a while since I played it. I imagine all the updates and such have only improved it even further.

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