My Batting Advice

Confirmed: Can change the shot. I did it last night, took a while to time it right since I usually premeditated my slogs, but found it useful for aggressive ground shots. So there we go, the system works!
Confirmed: Can change the shot. I did it last night, took a while to time it right since I usually premeditated my slogs, but found it useful for aggressive ground shots. So there we go, the system works!
Now this interests me! I will play a game tomorrow and see if I can successfully change batting shots on release of ball from bowler. Maybe graduate up from spinner through to medium to fastie. This revelation could alter my whole (currently cynical) outlook on batting.
You just have to play your shot after the ball is bowled. It's needless complications (in my opinion) but I found it handy against spin bowling where I could decide on a whim to hit an aggressive ground-shot vs. a normal one. As long as you don't move the RAS you can basically do what you like and/or change your mind, for example, back to a regular shot vs an aggressive one.


I should also note, same for bowling. You can change form a slower to a faster ball and/or change your mind entirely and reset to a regular one by clicking both triggers.
Deffo going to have a session batting. I'm fairly certain that I tried some aspect of changing the type of batting stroke when the game first released! Loads of people on here trying things out gameplay wise and posting their findings. I tried the 'press defensive shot modifier for every ball and release it if delivery is there to be hit' technique that someone posted. It didn't work for me. Every stroke ended up being defensive..even if I released the modifier....leading me to believe that batting choices were locked in on ball release. I will try again.
Here's a question; Can you change after delivery the choice from playing to leaving a shot?
I leave ball by not playing a stroke with the right thumbstick!

Yeah, that's pretty much what I do as well. I haven't even really bothered with anything else... be great if there was no input the game defaulted to a "leave" or "duck" animation, depending on length.
Speaking about leaves, never press the leave button to a spinner because the batsman will lunge forward out of his crease and you'll most likely get stumped.
...even playing off the back foot?
Now that you mention it, I think that's the problem because I exclusively play on the front foot. I guess I didn't think about it because it comes automatically to me.
From videos I have seen many camera angles for batting. I would find it difficult in playing game from behind batsman camera view . What is the other best camera. From videos i didn't like the broadcast view.
I prefer the pro mode camera.
Trust me it works absolutely fine.
You get a real feel of batting ther and timing naturally comes out as you can see clearly in which direction the ball is heading.
Hope this works. Thank you
tbh, not loving the batting because it's so impossible.

the decision making process you're supposed to make in half a second is stupid for a game.

1. choose the right position for your batsman, people are saying you only need the front foot but that's not true, the reason all these straight drives go up is because they should be played on the back foot. (and anyway what's the point of the foot system if it doesn't mean anything)

2. choose the right shot for the line, you have to keep in mind the gaps, which are rare because the AI dosn't bother with more than one slip ever. presumably you shouldn't be playing on good length on off so also you have to have the defense button ready.

3. get the timing right of the shot.

failure to get one of these right will result in you either missing the ball and getting bowled LBW or skying it to a fielder, or in the case of blocking it, edging to the keeper. you also have to have an intimate knowledge of cricket to know this because there's no tutorial or manual thing explaining how to play certain deliveries or conditions.

the slip thing is particularly annoying, because it just seems like an oversight in design, but then AI doesn't need slips as edges all go to the keeper and you're far more likely to get out chipping a shot so you might as well just put a ring round the batsman.

thing is, there is a lot right with the game, some amazing ideas in there and the challenge is interesting enough that it's quite addictive but I won't last with a game where there's no room for having fun and it's all about practice.

maybe this is what people wanted mind, and I'm just a bit out of touch as I'm a more casual gamer.

I bought DBC 14 game a year back and have been trying different things. I was late in buying the game, and therefore was not a part of this discussion.
I just want to know whether you are still playing the game [you should be, if you like cricket] and how good you are able to play now.
I have bought DBC 17 also but DBC 14 is far better in terms of batting difficulty etc. and it is more closer to real cricket. I would like to have your opinion.
I bought DBC 14 game a year back and have been trying different things. I was late in buying the game, and therefore was not a part of this discussion.
I just want to know whether you are still playing the game [you should be, if you like cricket] and how good you are able to play now.
I have bought DBC 17 also but DBC 14 is far better in terms of batting difficulty etc. and it is more closer to real cricket. I would like to have your opinion.
DBC 14 is too easy, can hit sixes at will on legendary, such a good game but sixes are easy, spoils the game

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