Please Read This. Especially If your undecided.


PC Journalism Contest Winner
Jun 27, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ive been following these forums for what seems like an eternity since October. Now I probably overestimated this game. And what resulted wasn't excatly what I had hoped for. But. This is codemasters/Swordfish's first attempt at a cricket game together. And In my opinion this this is the best Cricket game out on the market. Its there first try. And yes the fielders only throw to the wicket keepers end and mabye the bowling speeds are a bit screwed. (Alright alot). But lets compare this to Cricket 2005. Rushed. Is probably the first word I would describe it with. It feels like theyve used Rugby 2005 match engine. Everyone looks like a Rugby player. Runs as fast as a winger.Whats Cricket 2005. EAs fifth or sixth attempt. They still cant get as good a BLIC 2005.

So here is my message to people umming and arring about this game. It will have its problems. First out things always do. There are gonna be bugs. Unlike EAs they dont comprimise the game. There are going to be things that you dont like. For instance the lack of county sides or the frontfoot backfoot problem.

Talikng of frountfoot backfoot. Ea has this. But there are many flawes. For instance on XBOX when you press frountfoot its goes backfoot and visa versa. On Lara though. The shots differ depending on the length of the ball. Meaning that you get for than one shot for the same direction

Lara may have its problems. But its a downsite better than EAs latest waste of time Cricket 2005.

Thanks for reading.
You know what, I was going to post a similiar thread. Now I haven't played C2K5 as of yet, so I can't judge how good or bad it is. But so far I love BLIC, especially in test mode (very hard to time the ball in this mode, for me anyway). Bowling is better than any cricket game I have ever played. Batting is easier, a lot easier, but there are always AI patches. Your career player starts out crappy but his skill level improves on experience so that's a great feature.

I think this game a good buy for people who wanna enjoy a decent cricket thats free of many bugs that could affect the gameplay in a big way. There are some annoying bugs, like the speed of the deliveries, the no-ball bug, the fact that there are no stats whatsoever, and the fact that there are only 16 stadiums used throughout the game over and over again.
gilly90657 said:
u no wat both the games r good stop winging and just play them
at last sum1 hu has sum sense, these games arent perfect but name one that is, just make the most of them, they are for fun not to be perfect recreations of the real thing
Please stop making these MUST READ threads. Every thread is the same!
nah i rate threads like this. I'm umming and ahhing about whether i should spend my hard earned money on either game so peoples opinions are appreciated. However, so far it looks like i'll be disappointed either way :(
I think EA and Codemasters should join hands to produce a complete game. The game would have the goods from both the CK2k5 and BLC, but I guess this would only remain a dream!!
bassit said:
I think EA and Codemasters should join hands to produce a complete game. The game would have the goods from both the CK2k5 and BLC, but I guess this would only remain a dream!!
With our luck it would end up having all the bugs from both games. :p
cornjoelio said:
nah i rate threads like this. I'm umming and ahhing about whether i should spend my hard earned money on either game so peoples opinions are appreciated. However, so far it looks like i'll be disappointed either way :(

Both games have there flaws and as the time passes by, people here would be able to edit the game so then you'll get some precious patches to make your as good as real. You cant expect a perfect game from any company. After all, a computer would do what its programmed to. It depends on what you want in a game.
blic is an arcade game and lol u can score 15-20 runs an over in any level.batting is too easy bowling is good and fielding ah! it su*** over all cric 2005 is better
akshan said:
blic is an arcade game and lol u can score 15-20 runs an over in any level.batting is too easy bowling is good and fielding ah! it su*** over all cric 2005 is better
And your a EA fanboy............just accept your game is seriously unplayable
ronaldo7777 said:
Ive been following these forums for what seems like an eternity since October. Now I probably overestimated this game. And what resulted wasn't excatly what I had hoped for. But. This is codemasters/Swordfish's first attempt at a cricket game together. And In my opinion this this is the best Cricket game out on the market. Its there first try. And yes the fielders only throw to the wicket keepers end and mabye the bowling speeds are a bit screwed. (Alright alot). But lets compare this to Cricket 2005. Rushed. Is probably the first word I would describe it with. It feels like theyve used Rugby 2005 match engine. Everyone looks like a Rugby player. Runs as fast as a winger.Whats Cricket 2005. EAs fifth or sixth attempt. They still cant get as good a BLIC 2005.

So here is my message to people umming and arring about this game. It will have its problems. First out things always do. There are gonna be bugs. Unlike EAs they dont comprimise the game. There are going to be things that you dont like. For instance the lack of county sides or the frontfoot backfoot problem.

Talikng of frountfoot backfoot. Ea has this. But there are many flawes. For instance on XBOX when you press frountfoot its goes backfoot and visa versa. On Lara though. The shots differ depending on the length of the ball. Meaning that you get for than one shot for the same direction

Lara may have its problems. But its a downsite better than EAs latest waste of time Cricket 2005.

Thanks for reading.
You obviously are not a proper cricket fan, come over to the cricket 2005 forums and see all the ex BLIC players post there :)
The more hours/days u put into EA 2005 the more rewarding it is and in any game surely thats the way it should be.
I will say again
EA 2005 for players who want a sim realistic game
BLIC is an arcade pick up n play game for beginners

.::Stevo::. said:
And your a EA fanboy............just accept your game is seriously unplayable
Learn to play the game?
Most of us over at Cricket 2005 forums have learned the game and it is so realistic.

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