Politics Discussion (India)

Congress has announced NYAY (Nyuntam Aay Yojana) Scheme that aims to provide Minimum Income Guarantee to the 25 cr poorest families of India.

This scheme aims to provide Rs.72,000 p.a (upto Rs.6000 pm.) to 25 cr families whose total monthly income is below Rs.12,000.

Congress President has claimed that they have analyzed this scheme carefully for 4 months and they have also taken the views of top economists from the world before announcing it on public domain.

I personally feel that this would really be helpful to the poor people and ultimately leads to minimizing the poverty level in the country. Though people may give the example of a failed economy in Venezuela due to the minimum income guarantee scheme, I think the reason behind failure in that country was due to too much freebies given by govt to their citizens.

While Nyay is limited to people with less income and the money will be directly deposited into the bank accounts of WOMEN of the families, for the obvious reasons. And as usual, the ruling govt has criticized the scheme.

A question that arises on how Congress plans to raise the funds for such schemes - Congress answers, when the BJP govt can waive off the corporate loans of 15 rich businessmen of county amounting upto 2.5+ lakh crores then the Congress govt can implement this scheme that is very beneficial for poor people. It is estimated that this schemes needs upto 3.06 lakh crores off total budget.

Raghuram Rajan who is one of the key economists of India and who has also been the governor of RBI has been consulted by Congress regarding this scheme and he says that it is Workable but conditions apply.

@The Martian. @zwarrior your views?
Did I see right a debate on indian politics. I think I should also join this atleast it better than facebook and tv.

Also we are at a point in the world where conservatism/right wing is popular and prevalent.
if right wingers are popular and prevalent in the world so what every country's politics is different politics is not fashion. and other thing foreign right wing is different than indian(I could say south Asian.) right wing.

Can someone clear me how former president " Pranab Mukherjee " eligible for Bharat Ratna ? What did he done to country ? or it's a trap by Modi & Sha to Congress ?
I think because he visited RSS program and didn't vetoed their decisions.
Congress has announced NYAY (Nyuntam Aay Yojana) Scheme that aims to provide Minimum Income Guarantee to the 25 cr poorest families of India.

This scheme aims to provide Rs.72,000 p.a (upto Rs.6000 pm.) to 25 cr families whose total monthly income is below Rs.12,000.

Congress President has claimed that they have analyzed this scheme carefully for 4 months and they have also taken the views of top economists from the world before announcing it on public domain.

I personally feel that this would really be helpful to the poor people and ultimately leads to minimizing the poverty level in the country. Though people may give the example of a failed economy in Venezuela due to the minimum income guarantee scheme, I think the reason behind failure in that country was due to too much freebies given by govt to their citizens.

While Nyay is limited to people with less income and the money will be directly deposited into the bank accounts of WOMEN of the families, for the obvious reasons. And as usual, the ruling govt has criticized the scheme.

A question that arises on how Congress plans to raise the funds for such schemes - Congress answers, when the BJP govt can waive off the corporate loans of 15 rich businessmen of county amounting upto 2.5+ lakh crores then the Congress govt can implement this scheme that is very beneficial for poor people. It is estimated that this schemes needs upto 3.06 lakh crores off total budget.

Raghuram Rajan who is one of the key economists of India and who has also been the governor of RBI has been consulted by Congress regarding this scheme and he says that it is Workable but conditions apply.

@The Martian. @zwarrior your views?
Well its good that we should give money to people who need that rather than giving it to some defaulters who leaves the country.

but my only suggestion would be it should be given to those families who needed it and they should try that no one can exploit the system and take advantage by showing themselves poor. and my other suggestion is to tax the rich when capitalist countries can tax rich than why a socialist country like india can't.
What do you guys think of NamoTV and the controversy surrounding it

Amazed to see the EC so handicapped against the current government that that they cannot even utter a peep against all the non-MCC promotional material - be it the movie, NamoTV or the web series or songs. I am sure even the cups with NaMo's pic on it in Air India would have gone unnoticed if not for social media furore
Say what you want to say, but I predict BJP coming into power once again in 2019 inspite of the debacles faced by them in the recently concluded State elections. Modi is too popular to lose out on a second term. Just don't see it happening.

Unfortunately, I agree with you. The Modi wave of 2014 is no more, but the opposition has not presented the voters with a solid alternative. So despite the blunders and epic mis-managements and ignorance of this government, they will be voted back to power simply for the lack of a better alternative. I wish that were not the case, because that will mean another 5 years of Mr. Arrogant Chowkidar's incessant chest thumping and self-praising. I had warmed up to NaMo in the earlier part of his governance, but I find him intolerable now
I heard the BJP wants to expel illegal immigrants who are Muslim or Christian, while keeping those who are Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist? Is such religious discrimination legal? Apologies if i'm wrong, obviously i'm not an expert on Indian politics, and i got this from social media, which is clearly not a good source for information.
And please disregard my nationality, to avoid useless quarrels.
I heard the BJP wants to expel illegal immigrants who are Muslim or Christian, while keeping those who are Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist? Is such religious discrimination legal? Apologies if i'm wrong, obviously i'm not an expert on Indian politics, and i got this from social media, which is clearly not a good source for information.
And please disregard my nationality, to avoid useless quarrels.
What you read is correct. Also that was spoken by Amit Shah.

I had warmed up to NaMo in the earlier part of his governance, but I find him intolerable now

Hi, I am a neutral pro Indian person. I support what is pro India and not inclined towards any political party, atleast not in last 5 years. Just want to know the reason that you warmed up to NaMo and now find him intolerable?

For me the current government here are the pros

1. FDI, has been at highest
2. Good foreign relations
3. Close to 100% elecrification
4. Swacch Bharat and not just because I see it online, have been to India twice in the last 5 years, have seen a cleaner India.
5. WE HAVE PROGRESSED!! We were bound to progress but we have definitely progressed at a better rate.


1. Communal divide.. now I will not blame the government completely. This was bound to happen. I am not in anyway accepting the behavior of some of the ministers in the BJP government. But with BJP in power, congress being reduced to just 44 seats with absolutely no point to prove, this was going to be the biggest thing that could have been raised. INTOLERANCE word never existed pre 2014.

Again not blaming oppositions completely, BJP could have done a better job by minding their own ministers who said shit and spoke shit in public. (Please do not tell me communal divide did not exist pre 2014).

As many have said, parties are not fighting for majority. I read in one of the article that Congress has only fielded 230 seats, whereas majority requires 273. Only BJP has fielded more than 237 seats. This just shows that they are not going for majority. The air around India is Narendra Modi vs Everybody else.

BJP might win but they should not get complecent, AB Vajpayee was at his highest in 2003 as well and yet lost the election. It is INDIA and anything can happen.

I am just hoping whoever is the new Prime Minister be it be Modi, Rahul, Mamta or any tom dick or harry... INDIA needs to continue its progress. We are almost there, need some adjustments and we should be the biggest force to reckon with (not talking military wise).

Its election season, so many stories, so many fake news will now pop up. Its getting more and more difficult to see what is true and what not.
Congress has announced NYAY (Nyuntam Aay Yojana) Scheme that aims to provide Minimum Income Guarantee to the 25 cr poorest families of India.

This scheme aims to provide Rs.72,000 p.a (upto Rs.6000 pm.) to 25 cr families whose total monthly income is below Rs.12,000.

Congress President has claimed that they have analyzed this scheme carefully for 4 months and they have also taken the views of top economists from the world before announcing it on public domain.

I personally feel that this would really be helpful to the poor people and ultimately leads to minimizing the poverty level in the country. Though people may give the example of a failed economy in Venezuela due to the minimum income guarantee scheme, I think the reason behind failure in that country was due to too much freebies given by govt to their citizens.

While Nyay is limited to people with less income and the money will be directly deposited into the bank accounts of WOMEN of the families, for the obvious reasons. And as usual, the ruling govt has criticized the scheme.

A question that arises on how Congress plans to raise the funds for such schemes - Congress answers, when the BJP govt can waive off the corporate loans of 15 rich businessmen of county amounting upto 2.5+ lakh crores then the Congress govt can implement this scheme that is very beneficial for poor people. It is estimated that this schemes needs upto 3.06 lakh crores off total budget.

Raghuram Rajan who is one of the key economists of India and who has also been the governor of RBI has been consulted by Congress regarding this scheme and he says that it is Workable but conditions apply.

@The Martian. @zwarrior your views?
The scheme will only burden the middle class people which consist of 50% of the population. The poor will get the money, the rich will not care, the middle class will face the burden and get poor. Even though Rajan has been the key economist for this, I do not believe this will help.

It never helps to distribute FREE MONEY.
Hi, I am a neutral pro Indian person. I support what is pro India and not inclined towards any political party, atleast not in last 5 years. Just want to know the reason that you warmed up to NaMo and now find him intolerable?

I am very much like you in that case. I just want my country to move forward at every front - whether it is about development or politics or community. I voted for Mr. Modi in 2014 after getting sick of the previous government. I agree with most of your points, and would like to add a few of my own.

I warmed up to Modi government initially because of some good steps they took ..
1. Swachh Bharat
2. Implementation of GST
3. Rigorous inflow of FDI
4. Focus on Digital India and fast tracking of many services
and a few other points here and there, and I was quite satisfied. These were nowhere close to their lofty promises in the manifesto, but it was still solid work and I really appreciated it.

But then came certain moves which really started pushing me away from HIM. At first it was HIS behavior as the leader of this country.
The arrogance and lack of humility really made me lose connect. I strongly believe that if you are doing good work, appreciation will come on its own without indulging in self-promotion and self-praise. His address to the nation started and ended up 'Modi ne yeh kiya .. ', 'Modi ne woh kiya .. '. Praising himself in third person with the desperation of a ego-maniac. It started bursting the bubble that HE is no different from any other power hungry politician who loves to see his name in the headlines.

This is a behavioral reason for me starting to dislike Modi "ji". And then came the political steps that just pushed me away completely, so much so that I am not going to re-vote for him.

2. Dilution of central institutions - be it RBI or NSSO or CJI or EC. This government has made a joke out of autonomous government bodies in which it has no business of intervening. Add to that, the stifling of free media is just sick

3. Heights of unemployment and lack of jobs - the fact that the government is holding back the NSSO report on unemployment shows how scared they are about this point

4. Shambolic implementation of demonetization and zero control over corruption (on which they promised a lot).
They had 5 years to catch and bring to justice the "alleged" perpetrators of corruption such as Raja / Sheila Dixit / Vadra / Chidambaram ... NOTHING happened. Because they too benefit from similar deals at the end of the day. ZERO black money has found its way back. More than 99% of the old notes came back to RBI because of demonetization, which in turn destroyed our small and medium businesses and our manufacturing industry.

5. And finally, the WORST point of it all. This horrible narrative that anyone who is anti-BJP is ANTI NATIONAL. This has been normalized to such an extent that I find it absolutely sick and disgusting. I will give you a small incident that literally happened yesterday. A local BJP-worker (Mr. X) had come over to our apartment to distribute BJP flyers. Some topic started about a group that he has started, some pro-BJP group within the Resident's Welfare Association. The conversation went on something like this:

Me: Have you talked to Mr. ABC about distributing flyers in his apartment community
Mr. X: No sir. Actually, he is a bit anti-national you know
Me: I am sorry, what?
Mr. X: No, no - I mean he is anti BJP, so we do not really go to him. I am talking to some other guy for that

I was stunned to see how deep this narrative has seeped into our society. Anti national has become synonymous with Anti BJP. Who the hell are these BJP guys to decide who is Indian and who is not? Who is patriotic and who is not? And when I see educated people buying into this sh*t blindly, I can see how dangerous this government is for the country. I would rather be stuck with stagnating development than support such a government.

Its getting really long, so bottom line: On the work front, BJP and Congress are pretty much the same. They are made up of equally power hungry politicians whose top priority is holding on to their seats, and if they get some time after that, they might do a bit of development work (besides the natural progress a developing nation like India is bound to go on with). This heightened sense of communal animosity and anti-national agenda though makes BJP incredibly dangerous and I have lost absolutely all respect I had for BJP because of this. The legendary Mr. Vajpayee would weep at the state these idiots have brought his party to.
What you read is correct. Also that was spoken by Amit Shah.

Looks like religious discrimination, plain and simple.
The legendary Mr. Vajpayee
He truly wanted peace between our nations. Too bad the rascals in Rawalpindi kept stabbing him in the back.

Also, could someone clarify the word "Hindutva" for me? Does the BJP believe in Hindu supremacy? I know i can find it online, but i'd like to hear the views of actual Indian voters.
The scheme will only burden the middle class people which consist of 50% of the population. The poor will get the money, the rich will not care, the middle class will face the burden and get poor. Even though Rajan has been the key economist for this, I do not believe this will help.

It never helps to distribute FREE MONEY.
Just a cross question to justify my answer - If Congress is very wrong in providing ''free money" to the poorest people of India, then what do you say about the 'free money' given by Modi govt to Farmers in his last budget of Feb 19?

If BJP can waive off the corporate loans worth of 2.5+ LAKH CRORES of top 15 businessmen, it doesn't effect the middle class people of the country? From where did he get those money to waive off their loan?

Congress agenda is - if BJP can give money to top 15 businessmen of country, then why not give money to people who are below poverty line so that they could come up and contribute to national income?


I would like to express my opinion on why I prefer Congress over BJP. There are many issues that are completely ignored which should've actually been addressed rather than all other schemes that doesn't make sense at all.

BJP positives in this 5 years -
1. Digital India (making things easier).
2. Good relation with other countries. (But crores of money has been used for Modi ji's trips.
3. Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan.
4. Some good progress in infrastructure facilities.

But these development comes under 'extras' category. It actually doesn't help the development of the country overall. Even if a common man is made the PM of country, he too would do it. Its the routine of the central govt to provide electricity, water, roads, other infrastructure etc... The main focus must be GDP growth, Development of various sectors, employment, upliftment of people from poverty line, GIVING EQUAL IMPORTANCE TO NON-BJP RULED STATES etc..

Every speech of PM consist of 60 yrs of Congress rule. He completely forgets that people have voted him to power for a change and 'Acche din' (Good days) in 2014. He is the Prime Minister of the country and his speech should focus on what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do in future. But his only agenda is to blame Congress and Nehru for everything. For Good things, credits are given to BJP and bad things will lead to blame on Congress and Nehru. Come on, you are the PM of country, not the opposition party leader for blaming Congress for everything bad.

Just a facts check on how India has progressed after independence until 2014, then comes Modi Ji stating that nothing has developed in these 60 yrs and whatever development has taken place is only when he became PM. Seriously? Lol. He speaks as if India was not having Electricity, water facilities, housing facilities, roads, transport etc.. and all that have been made by Modi alone.

CBI, IT, ED, RBI, Supreme Court, EC all are taken over by BJP which should've been working independently. Most of cases relating to BJP are closed by CBI, oppositions are targeted by IT/ED department, Supreme Court gives judgement in favour of BJP whatever maybe the truth, EC completely ignores BJP - their misconduct in election etc.. The recent news being the Modi had brought with him (in his helicopter) a black box to Karnataka which was taken away in a private Innova car but was not checked in exit point. He promises corruption free govt but bring with him the box with crores of money for using in election campaign. EC is silent on this even after giving video proof of the same.

Modi said "GST kabhi safal nahi hoga (GST will never succeed)" during congress rule. But after coming to power in 2014, he implements GST saying "One nation, one tax". Is it a joke for him to change his mind according to situation?

1. Demonetisation was a big failure.
2. Unemployment is all time high in 45 yrs.
3. GDP rate has fallen below 10 while MMS had maintained 9-10 GDP in 10 yrs rule.
4. Farmers are ignored.
5. Too much favourism to Rich businessmen but not poor people of country.
6. Always uses false 'statistics' in his speeches.
7. Mob lynching has increased.
8. No importance to minorities of the country.
9. False promises of Ram Mandir since 1977 which might go on to 2050 but still no guarantee of Ram Mandir.
10. People who talk against BJP are Anti- Nationals.
11. People who question Modi and his governance is an Urban Naxal.
12. Petrol/Diesel prices have increased even though the crude oil price has decreased in world market.
13. Gas/cylinders price which was Rs.475 is now something around Rs.850-900. And many more....

If Congress asks about Rafale Scam, Right Wingers say that national security is being compromised hence Congress is anti national. But they completely forget the fact that, they have been talking about Bofors for decades now. Isn't the national security compromised due to BJP in Bofors case?

Fake promises have been the main agenda of BJP in 5 yrs. 10 crs of employment in 5yrs, Ganga cleansing, 15 lakh to bank account if black money bought to India, corruption free govt, Ram Mandir, Smart cities, special category to AP(which garned them 20+ mp seats in AP in 2014), getting back bankrupt businessmen like Mallya, N Modi, L Modi, etc..

While if you compare Congress govt, they have fulfilled 99% of promises made during 2009 election. These are just my views. I've been active on Twitter, debating with Right Wingers about the above issues. Some clever Right Wingers adopt 'whataboutism' to tackle my points whereas some doesn't reply at all. :lol
Also, could someone clarify the word "Hindutva" for me? Does the BJP believe in Hindu supremacy? I know i can find it online, but i'd like to hear the views of actual Indian voters
From what I've understood, they want to bring in the Hindu Ideologies not only in the minds of Hindus but also among other minorities. There has been reports of forceful conversion of minorities in UP. They term it as 'Ghar Wapsi' (Google it).
I heard the BJP wants to expel illegal immigrants who are Muslim or Christian, while keeping those who are Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist? Is such religious discrimination legal? Apologies if i'm wrong, obviously i'm not an expert on Indian politics, and i got this from social media, which is clearly not a good source for information.
And please disregard my nationality, to avoid useless quarrels.
I'm not surprised by their move either. What they said was, we will expell illegal minority immigrants but would search for each and every Illegal Hindu immigrants and give them citizenship. Empowering Hindus and expelling/converting minorites.

Their very own MP from Karnataka who is also a Union Minister in Central Govt has said that We have come to power to amend the Contitution of India which gives right to religion under the word 'secular' in our constitution. Though he apologized later on, their views are clear. In 2014-2015, things were so intense that people in my neighborhood used to say that only few years left for you to celebrate Christmas. Then you too must celebrate Diwali. I don't know how much is the truth in this but I heard that BJP were planning to bring out 'One nation, One Religion' bill. Thank God, we have Rajya Sabha as well that needs to approve any bill before getting amended. BJP doesn't have majority in Rajya Sabha. So we are safe... :)
Close to 100% elecrification
The point is 90% was already electrified under Congress Govt all these years. So what BJP did was just electrifying 5-6% and then taking full credit for it.
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But then came certain moves which really started pushing me away from HIM. At first it was HIS behavior as the leader of this country.

2. Dilution of central institutions - be it RBI or NSSO or CJI or EC. This government has made a joke out of autonomous government bodies in which it has no business of intervening. Add to that, the stifling of free media is just sick

3. Heights of unemployment and lack of jobs - the fact that the government is holding back the NSSO report on unemployment shows how scared they are about this point

4. Shambolic implementation of demonetization and zero control over corruption (on which they promised a lot).
They had 5 years to catch and bring to justice the "alleged" perpetrators of corruption such as Raja / Sheila Dixit / Vadra / Chidambaram ... NOTHING happened. Because they too benefit from similar deals at the end of the day. ZERO black money has found its way back. More than 99% of the old notes came back to RBI because of demonetization, which in turn destroyed our small and medium businesses and our manufacturing industry.

5. And finally, the WORST point of it all. This horrible narrative that anyone who is anti-BJP is ANTI NATIONAL. This has been normalized to such an extent that I find it absolutely sick and disgusting. I will give you a small incident that literally happened yesterday. A local BJP-worker (Mr. X) had come over to our apartment to distribute BJP flyers. Some topic started about a group that he has started, some pro-BJP group within the Resident's Welfare Association. The conversation went on something like this:

I agree to all the points being made. I can give a little leeway for Demonetization but other 4 points are big for me. What happened is BJP shot itself in the foot and played into the narrative that was actually created by opposition. They had a nice opportunity to not show their arrogance and the anti national narrative. They could have really helped themselves if not the nation.

I want to see the unemployment rate too and would have also liked the autonomous government bodies remained autonomous.

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