Some Questions Regarding web hosting.


Executive member
Apr 9, 2006
New Delhi, India
Ok guys. I need to ask you all some questions. Please answer them.

Q.1 What do you think should be the price of a 100GBdiskspace and 2000GB bandwidth hosting ? With all features like cpanel, fantastico ?

Q.2 What do you think should be the ideal price for a 10GB Diskspace and 500GB bandwidth hosting ?

I have more questions guys but i will post them when people start giving answers. And please give honest and serious advice, not funny ones.

Q1. About ?15 a month. Without cPanel + fantastico it would probably be a bit cheaper. (Lol, i doubt you'd need all this though unless you were planning something Really BIG)

Q2. About ?5 a month
Sounds like someone will be overselling. . . I really cannot see why anyone would buy that sort of hosting unless they were doing something illegal with it. :eek:
Nothing illegal sohum, i just want to do a bit of market research before doing anything, i'm not yet doing it out :) I've got more questions coming - thanks guys for taking interest :) Your opinions are appreciated :) Here are more ...

Q - What do you think should be the package of bandwidth and diskspace for a person who is just starting out making a website ?

Q What do you think should be the combo for a reasonably successfulll but not ultra successful site, like youthcluster ?

Q Finally, what about bigger sites like Planetcricket ?
From my experience reselling hosting or advising my web design clients to hosting, everyone wants way more than they need. Even the standard 10-page static guy wants hosting with a gig of space, which is about 100 times what they need. Hence, you could go two ways around it:

1a. Take advantage of the long tail by having cheap packages and letting possible clients know that you don't need that much hosting. If you get enough clients, you may be able to break even.

1b. Copy everyone else and make your lowest package an inordinate amount and sell it cheap (and oversell it) since most people won't use it anyway.

2. I'm not familiar with youth cluster but the larger disk usage comes from uploading media. It seems that when most hosting sites sell space, they don't count DB utilization in the disk space utilization (which is kind of stupid, so I'm not sure if they do it or not). If this is the case, most websites won't take that much space. If they get enough visitors, bandwidth is what they should be looking at. Again, a midrange site could probably survive on less than a gig of HD space and probably a gig of bandwidth as well.

3. PC would require a lot of bandwidth, if not disk space. PC also hosts a lot of websites, so you would have to take account of that as well. I'm not sure how much bandwidth PC buy, but I would take an inaccurate estimate that they buy at least 10 gigs/month. As for diskspace, I guess they could seriously survive on about 5-10 gigs as well, depending on how much information they want to keep around/archive.
even i an intrested on bandwidth and disk space needed. can somone clarify about these terms a little more?
Thanks a bunch sohum, if reputation system would have been there, i would have given you :(

Thanks a bunch for the answers. I am about to start a hosting company so i need some market research before doing that. Can you pm me your msn / yahoo id ? I would be needing some more help. Thanks a bunch again if yuo can :)

@ Leo -

Diskspace - the amount of disk space a site occupies in the server its been hosted on. For example, if you upload your 10 mb video to a site, its diskspace increases with 10 mb, basically the disk storage just like your pc.

Bandwidth - The complete upload / download feature - ditto as the broadband plans in india leo :p The total amount of uploading and downloading data in the server. Note that what we upload is download for the server, and what we download is the upload for the server ;)
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lol, i know those terms. i was wondering about there real world how much bandwidth/diskspace is how much. if u get what i mean.

Ok Guys, now that i have decided that i will start a hosting company.....

Q. What would you want in a hosting company ?

Q. Can you please suggest some plans which i should keep ?

And lastly, how many here are looking out for good cheap hosting ?
Sounds like someone will be overselling. . . I really cannot see why anyone would buy that sort of hosting unless they were doing something illegal with it. :eek:

HAHA, illegal stuff ;)

Ok Guys, now that i have decided that i will start a hosting company.....

Q. What would you want in a hosting company ?

Q. Can you please suggest some plans which i should keep ?

And lastly, how many here are looking out for good cheap hosting ?

kshitiz, nice to know u are starting with your own hosting company...

i was on the lookout of web hosting about 45 days ago.. and i chose upon (unfortunately, coz, now i am sure, they are CRAP)
1st of all i would like to clarify, that the information about the hosting plans should be VERY accurate. the consumers should never be left to assume things..

You should clarify the diskspace/bandwidth, and the database support, and kind of control panel.

I would like to elaborate one problem which i am facing with my current host : I have bought windows hosting (coz i have a site in ASP), and when i bought it, i was told that MS Access database is supported, without additional costs. Now, i am being told that i need to buy database support for MS Access. to make matters worse, MS Access is not even listed in the list of databases available to be bought. i am really annoyed by their service, because, any communication is through an online form, to which they take atleast 5 days to respond to. (i have "wasted" 12 days just to communicate my problem to them)

I would recommend that you develop a good support system, to provide after sales service, which imo is equally important nowadays, to pre-sales marketing...

Could you tell me what plans are you thinking to launch, and some more details, because, i am really disappointed by net4's service, and i might just decide to chuck it...

I hope this is helpful to you...
Abhas, sad to here that you purchased from Were they formerly called "Net4India"? I had heard bad things about them which is why I hadn't bought hosting from them when I needed to get stuff hosted. Went with aalphanet at that time but am slowly fazing that out because I bought 10gigs of dedicated server space, now.

Kshitiz, are you going to be hosting both Windows and Unix hosting? Also, are you reselling or are you going to be setting up your own server somewhere?
Abhas, sad to here that you purchased from Were they formerly called "Net4India"? I had heard bad things about them which is why I hadn't bought hosting from them when I needed to get stuff hosted. Went with aalphanet at that time but am slowly fazing that out because I bought 10gigs of dedicated server space, now.

Kshitiz, are you going to be hosting both Windows and Unix hosting? Also, are you reselling or are you going to be setting up your own server somewhere?

Yes sohum, they were previously known as "Net4India". Is alphanet good??

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