Test Cricket tweak


International Cricketer
May 23, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi fellas,

Jonah, Zim, Ritwik, Ste and all others, how have you all been. Its been sometime, I was away for quite sometime owing to work. I suppose I am back again for a while, my apologies to Jonah for not having kept in touch for sometime. Over a week ago or two I noticed heaps of tweaks, its a pity still cricket2002 remains short of few tricks. What I wanted to tell you folks was I have tweaks with which I have played a test series combining with my bat.exe and bowl.exe files, the results are encouraging. I am here to share those files with you guys and finding a right combination will be a lot easier what with few guys testing it out. I have this time tweaked the saf files prompting the CPU batsman to sweep the yorkers(again the good ol rule, bowling too many yorkers might prompt the CPU to play a nasty one at that). The CPU batsman bats to my liking at times defending a good length delivery, playing aggressively to balls bowled on the legs or a long hop or too full. A healthy average of edges for shots played at times but not too frequently ensure the ball carries to the slips at catcable height or falling short of the slips. This patch might be a bit unconvential and make a few frown but what the heck, I am just happy to share with you like the good old times. How do I upload my patch, should I email someone like we used to, let me know.

I am not on my old email addresses anymore, please email me to my new one.


Hi Ravi, good to have you back :up: . Hope you like the new forums; there's some good ppl on here.
No worries about not keeping in touch, I thought you were probably busy elsewhere.
Since you were last here, you probably know that Sam came up with some cfg files that can be edited, like the old BLC ones (one day, test, fast, swing,etc).
Zim made a set of safs and cfg's for ODI's that were the best yet...cpu not too aggressive and can often bat through the 50 overs, acceptable edges, human batting reasonably challenging etc.
Now we need a set for Tests. I haven't got your old bat/bowl exes since renewing my pc, but by all means send me your safs and I'll try them. Also,have you tried editing the cfg files yet?
Good to hear from you again.
Can someone explain to me who Ravi really is? I think I've seen his name in the c2002.tk website.Are you a patch maker?
Originally posted by jonah@May 29 2003, 08:18 AM
Hi Ravi, good to have you back :up: . Hope you like the new forums; there's some good ppl on here.
No worries about not keeping in touch, I thought you were probably busy elsewhere.
Since you were last here, you probably know that Sam came up with some cfg files that can be edited, like the old BLC ones (one day, test, fast, swing,etc).
Zim made a set of safs and cfg's for ODI's that were the best yet...cpu not too aggressive and can often bat through the 50 overs, acceptable edges, human batting reasonably challenging etc.
Now we need a set for Tests. I haven't got your old bat/bowl exes since renewing my pc, but by all means send me your safs and I'll try them. Also,have you tried editing the cfg files yet?
Good to hear from you again.
Hi Jonah, good to know you are still around and keeping well. Indeed I saw the editable cfg files, really was thrilled to know it. Sam did a great job on that one, using those I did the test tweak. It is looking good so far, will send you those alongwith the bat.exe and bowl.exe. I started to play a 3 tests series against the Indians. For some bloody reason, CPU sent in Tendulkar and Shewag to open the batting. They both are still on and are going great guns, presently 60/0 after 23 overs. Given lack of spinners in the kiwi team it looks a tall order if I can bowl the Indians out.

Hi there Auwais, yes I am yet another path maker, I have been around since the BLC evovled. Although my patches arent very popular always, I should confess.
Hi Ravi,

Good to see you back. Hope to see some great patches from you once again :up:
well done Ravi, Sam & Zim's been keeping the patch work going quite nicely, but it will be great to see what you can do. You have'nt missed much, we still get bombarded from NZ warriors, but hey, they are just foolish idiots, not cricket fans :D
Thanks for all your messages welcoming me, its very nice to know I am being welcomed somewhere :) .

Sorry Jonah, I looked for your email ID but couldnt find it in my address book probably got lost when I quit my previous ISP. I am just trying to find out if at all I will be able to upload the files somewhere. Infact I will see if it can be attached to this post looks like there is an option to attach a file. The following are the instructions for installations (Make sure you backup all the files from the directories the patch is going to update) :

Here is the patch I mentioned folks, it might not really be the best one but does a bit of realistic tweaking.
Follow the installation steps which is as follows :

1. Extract saf.rar into c:\EA Sports\Cricket 2002\data\captures\batsman\shots direcotry.
(These are the stroke files, they probably are also good enough for ODIs).

2. Files in pc.rar contains config files that will need to be extracted into the folder
c:\EA Sports\Cricket 2002\configs when the PC is batting.

3. Files in human.rar contains config files that will need to be extracted into the folder
c:\EA Sports\Cricket 2002\configs when you are batting.

4. Files in Fields are the field setting files that will need to be extracted into the folder
c:\EA Sports\Cricket 2002\data\editor\test.

5. exes.rar contain bat.exe and bowl.exe files, run the bat.exe file when you are batting and
bowl.exe when you are bowling. Make sure you do copy the config files as mentioned in the
step 2 and step 3 above.

There might be few issues with this patch you might want to point out to me given the limited testing
I have done in this patch. You are more than welcome to drop me a line on [email protected] or you
can express your valuable opinion in the Cricket 2002 online forum. I am not really claiming that this
patch might really impress you but its just a start and a sincere effort to improve the game. The bouquets
or brickbats are very keenly sought after so please make sure you spare a minute or two to drop a line about
the quality of this patch and you will be making a contribution to better it. Thanks for using this patch.
Also forgot :wall: to mention that the edges were set a bit higher in the pc setting which can be reduced to reasonable by changing the existing string in the file u_hard.cfg under the pc.rar to the following :

BatEdgeAverage 0.153356
BatEdgeOrder 0.002400
Yet again a blooper, I have attached the ODI saf files, please download this saf file for tests
Sorry for the delay, but here's a liittle early feedback on your files.
I've only played 15 overs so far, but the files are looking good. CPU batting on a damp wicket were 4/1 and 19/2, but are staging a recovery and are now 56/2. Both wickets were edges; one a very fine edge off the backfoot defensive to the keeper, the other to 2nd slip. Anything short/overpitched the cpu has a go at, so bowling a good line and length is important to make the cpu play defensively.
I've tinkered with a couple of the fields, but that's just personal preference.
As I say, I've only had time to play 15 overs, but so far so good :) .
Originally posted by jonah@May 31 2003, 09:02 AM
Sorry for the delay, but here's a liittle early feedback on your files.
I've only played 15 overs so far, but the files are looking good. CPU batting on a damp wicket were 4/1 and 19/2, but are staging a recovery and are now 56/2. Both wickets were edges; one a very fine edge off the backfoot defensive to the keeper, the other to 2nd slip. Anything short/overpitched the cpu has a go at, so bowling a good line and length is important to make the cpu play defensively.
I've tinkered with a couple of the fields, but that's just personal preference.
As I say, I've only had time to play 15 overs, but so far so good :) .
Jonah, no delay there mate infact its quite a quick feedback and a good one at that. I didnt do much with the fields I should confess, the fields are pretty much the same for all type of bowling. I would be keen to get a hand on your field setting. I have found it was fairly easy to whack a spinner over the infield when batting, I have tweaked those as well, will tweak it a bit more and will send it to you when I am satisfied with those. Hopefully you dont bowl the opposition a bit too early ;)
Hey guys,this might be a dumb question but what do you use to edit the .cfg files? :huh: :dave:

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