

International Coach
Jul 14, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Eh, I'm going in for an operation on Thursday, I have a deviated septum (in the nose, caused by a 'ausie rules' football accident a year ago) and badly blocked sinuses causing sinusitis in the cheeks. Pretty bloody nervous since its my first operation ever!! Two nights stay in hospital watching TV. woot:rolleyes:

Has anyone else had surgery?
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My brother had 3 - 4 surgeries or so from birth. :(, he's perfectly alright now :).. Describing about it is.... not possible, it puts into my heart heavily... :(...
Oh yeah, I've had quite a few op's. Nothing to worry about mate :)

*They eventually got my leg re-attached the right way round, on the second attempt ;)*
I've had my right arm operated on 4 times. Each time I've broken it. First time to straighten the bone back after it got broken in a V shape, it needed pins for 8 months. Another time to move the smaller bone back after it broke and fractured slightly to the right. And then other two times to set it because a cast wouldn't have done it alone. I am hard.
You need to slow down during your special time.
I also had surgery at birth, I had a double hernia at the time. Still got the scars too ;)
What better way to make my posting return with the actual reason I haven't been around!

In July playing that wonderful game called cricket I did a hell of a lot of damage to the middle finger on my right hand. Infact to quote one of the many specialists I have seen; "You would struggle to do more damage". I dislocated my finger tip, had multiple fractures (couldn't give me an exact number of my finger tip was in pieces), severed a tendon, and have bad ligament damage of the middle knuckle.

What this resulted in was a gigantic pin being put down my finger extension, from the tip to the middle knuckle. And this was an external pin, so had a massive chunk of metal pointing out the top of my finger.

I had the pin removed after five weeks. It was literally yanked out with no pain killers. This was back in August.

Now in late October, I have had weeks of occupational therapy put on hold because of an infection in the whole of my right hand. I now also suffer from arthritis.

All in all what does this mean? Well, I was an off-break bowler growing up and playing representative cricket. And I've basically been told I will be lucky to play again let alone bowl an off-break.

Six to eight weeks is the normal recovery time for a broken finger. Needless to say mine wasn't a normal break! But 16 weeks on, and although the cricket season has gone, there would be no chance of me playing now!

Oh how I love this game called cricket.
Be a man and admit you did it peeling potatoes.
I've played footy and rugby but I've never done anything worse to myself than hurt my finger a bit. Never really had any serious illness or injuries. My sister on the other hand has broken both of her arms and a leg.
I'm lucky, i've only had one surgery which was planned, to remove ankle ligements. Which wasn't great as they hurt even more now in Winter!

The two which unexpectantly came, was to my left shoulder. First operation was to fix the tear in the muscle just behind the shoulder (no idea what its name is) which wasn't pleasent, fortunately, I did it in the nets bowling, where our team physios where mulling around so I got put into a car (no luxury of an ambulance) and shipped to A&E.

Second time, I was playing rugby, put my shoulder into some Scousers ribs, and really don't remember much else. Blacked out, woke up in an ambulance. Now that operation was painful as they had to take some muscle out, so i've got three nice scars now!
Only you could accomplish that JJ3. And to think had 19 vCash on you to represent England. The Paralympics maybe?

I feel like I've shattered both my large toes, but I don't know if I have. I end up hurting in during PE in school while playing soccer, and can't walk for the rest of the week. It is better by the next class, then I shatter it again. Rinse and repeat. I may have caused irreversible damage and I may not know it...
If you shattered your toe you would be rolling around in pain.

Sounds like either joint or ligament damage.

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