According to you, who is the most overrated and underrated player from:

South Africa
Sri Lanka
West Indies
New Zealand

i'll be honest i'm too parochial and don't know enough of how players are rated in other countries, or even who the players are, to comment on most or all of the countries that aren't England.

the ashes has obviously shown that most of england's so-called best players are massively overrated. personally i think hazlewood is shite, though he's been better in this series than 2015 he's basically mopped up when Starc and Cummins have bullied the others. When he had to get the infants' lunch money on his own at the MCG we saw the real Hazlewood.
Ten questions I've come up with because I can't sleep:
  1. What are the first three items you can think of from your bucket list?
  2. What is your proudest achievement to date?
  3. What piece of wisdom do you feel you ought to share?
  4. If I listen to one song tomorrow, what song should it be?
  5. You have to pick a cricket team made of players from any era in history. Who is your first pick and why?
  6. Which one person who you've never met would you like to invite to dinner?
  7. If you have participated in any of my leagues, which was your favourite?
  8. What, in your opinion, is the king of biscuits?
  9. If you were to declare your house an independent micronation, what would be on your flag?
  10. If you could turn a non-cricketing country into a cricketing country overnight, which one and why?

  1. Upon joining PlanetCricket, what did you hope to get gain out of this site (on an emotional level) ?
  2. Who was your first genuine friend here on PlanetCricket?
  3. Rivalries. Can you remember your first unfriendly interaction here on PlanetCricket? If so what happened and who is the individual in question?
  4. Your take on Forum regulars? Surely there is better ways to spend your time than on a social platform like PlanetCricket.
  5. What frustrates you the most (or really gets you mad) here on the forums ?
  6. Your take on social media bullies? Will you openly stand up for someone here if they were bullied by the " in-crowd" ?
  7. Explain something to me that you think is complicated ... any topic .. that you feel is complicated.
  8. Is there a question I haven't asked you, but should?
Just a bunch of questions relating to the events of the previous year:

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the year 2017?
What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2017?
What new skills did you acquire during the year?
Was there anything you tried for the very first time in your life?
What was the best gift you received?
Any particular moment during the year that you might remember say 20 years from now?
Any song or album released during the year that may have caught your attention?
Any favorite movie relased during the year?
If you've participated in any of my leagues the past year, which one do you think stands out in your opinion?
What do you think had the biggest positive impact on your life during the year?
What one thing would you have done differently if given the chance?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your year with regards to your life outside the forums and on it?

And now for the next one:

What skills do you want to lean, improve or master in 2018?
Which personal quality do you want to develop or strengthen?
Any particular habits you want to change or get rid of?
What do you plan to achieve this year in life and on these forums?
Who do you see as potential qualifiers for the Cricket World Cup from this year's WC qualifiers and why?
Who do you think will be the No 1 ranked team in Test cricket come December 2018 and why?
Any particular cricketer you think is worth watching out for this year?
Who will you be supporting during the 2018 FIFA World Cup that starts in six months time?

Apologies if these have already been asked. I don't have the patience to go through every question posted in every thread.
Ten questions I've come up with because I can't sleep:
  1. What are the first three items you can think of from your bucket list?
  2. What is your proudest achievement to date?
  3. What piece of wisdom do you feel you ought to share?
  4. If I listen to one song tomorrow, what song should it be?
  5. You have to pick a cricket team made of players from any era in history. Who is your first pick and why?
  6. Which one person who you've never met would you like to invite to dinner?
  7. If you have participated in any of my leagues, which was your favourite?
  8. What, in your opinion, is the king of biscuits?
  9. If you were to declare your house an independent micronation, what would be on your flag?
  10. If you could turn a non-cricketing country into a cricketing country overnight, which one and why?

  1. I don't really have a bucket list. There are 2 things I'd certainly like to do that i haven't: run my own (successful) tech business, and go on holiday to a pacific location - e.g hawaii or bali
  2. I turned my life around quite a lot. my early and mid-20s i was drifting and doing nothing and wasting my life, mostly unemployed or casual work. since i got myself back to work, i've made a proper career, and gone from a poorly-paid temporary contract to senior 6-figure position in 10 years, and have at the same time gained a great family life with my wife and daughter and kept a good work life balance: i pick my daughter up from nursery almost every night.
  3. i'm not sure i have anything particularly so i will steal bill bryson's "there is always more toothpaste in the tube".
  4. "she bangs the drums" by the stone roses.
  5. the don. i would love to see him bat, and see what sets him apart.
  6. steven pinker. i love his books, and his ability to anchor evolutionary psychology/biology in a moral humanism.
  7. no i haven't i'm afraid. i generally only post in dbc/ashes forums and cricket discussions
  8. milk chocolate mcvities digestive. i could eat those till i explode.
  9. the st george cross. i'm something of an english nationalist (in a civic way, not a racist one) and it irks me that england alone of the nations of the UK has no official status and nor does its flag, so i'd pinch that for trolling reasons.
  10. the usa. getting their moolah in a big way could only be a positive. and could you imagine trump's tweets when they lost by an innings on a raging bunsen in dhaka?

  1. Upon joining PlanetCricket, what did you hope to get gain out of this site (on an emotional level) ?
  2. Who was your first genuine friend here on PlanetCricket?
  3. Rivalries. Can you remember your first unfriendly interaction here on PlanetCricket? If so what happened and who is the individual in question?
  4. Your take on Forum regulars? Surely there is better ways to spend your time than on a social platform like PlanetCricket.
  5. What frustrates you the most (or really gets you mad) here on the forums ?
  6. Your take on social media bullies? Will you openly stand up for someone here if they were bullied by the " in-crowd" ?
  7. Explain something to me that you think is complicated ... any topic .. that you feel is complicated.
  8. Is there a question I haven't asked you, but should?
  1. I think expecting to get anything at an emotional level from an internet forum is borderline deranged. Of course one can argue that amusement/diversion are emotions, so i suppose that would be the extent of it. In truth i joined PC because it seemed to be a source of information about that exciting new game Ashes Cricket 13. But then I saw that there was another cricket game in the works, "Big Ant Cricket" as it then was, and it seemed to be more interesting and ambitious. information and discussion around that was what kept me here.
  2. I mean i'll be honest, there are people here i enjoy interacting with and who's posts i enjoy reading, but this is an anonymous internet forum, there are no "genuine friends".
  3. Again, I've had divergences of opinion several times but nothing that bothers me untowardly and certainly nothing i bear a grudge about. even those on my ignore list, they just talk too much shite rather than having offended me personally or anything like that.
  4. I think everyone enjoys themselves differently. And certainly for the video game parts it's nice to have a sense of community around a game.
  5. various forms of nonsense but nothing too much.
  6. i don't believe there is an in-crowd. of course some people have been on the forum longer than others and they are used to interacting with each other and know each others jokes etc. so of course they will interact more freely with than others, but that's human nature. people who shitpost and get called on it cry "clique" and conveniently ignore the vast majority of people on the forum who sometimes agree, sometimes disagree and just get on with it. i think i have only seen one thing where i personally felt moved to tell someone they went too far, and i can't even remember the details particularly but person a talked some rubbish and person b basically told them to go hang themselves, and i said he was out of order. and he was - damn person a! (jk)
  7. it'd be difficult to concisely explain anything that is complicated, no? but the most important thing i think that lots of people don't understand and they should, is the law of comparative advantage, and why free trade is so important. so, you should certainly try and find out about that if you don't know it already.
  8. hard for me to say. i don't think so.
Just a bunch of questions relating to the events of the previous year:

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the year 2017?
What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2017?
What new skills did you acquire during the year?
Was there anything you tried for the very first time in your life?
What was the best gift you received?
Any particular moment during the year that you might remember say 20 years from now?
Any song or album released during the year that may have caught your attention?
Any favorite movie relased during the year?
If you've participated in any of my leagues the past year, which one do you think stands out in your opinion?
What do you think had the biggest positive impact on your life during the year?
What one thing would you have done differently if given the chance?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your year with regards to your life outside the forums and on it?

And now for the next one:

What skills do you want to lean, improve or master in 2018?
Which personal quality do you want to develop or strengthen?
Any particular habits you want to change or get rid of?
What do you plan to achieve this year in life and on these forums?
Who do you see as potential qualifiers for the Cricket World Cup from this year's WC qualifiers and why?
Who do you think will be the No 1 ranked team in Test cricket come December 2018 and why?
Any particular cricketer you think is worth watching out for this year?
Who will you be supporting during the 2018 FIFA World Cup that starts in six months time?

Apologies if these have already been asked. I don't have the patience to go through every question posted in every thread.

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the year 2017?
How close I was to having to emigrate if that ****** Corbyn had won the election.
What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2017?
That having options and choices in life is so important. A potentially exciting door closed on me in 2017, but a potentially even better one opened by the end.
What new skills did you acquire during the year?
Sales and presentation skills - i'm much better pitching to clients.
Was there anything you tried for the very first time in your life?
On my last business trip home I got an upgrade and flew business class for the first time. it was great.
What was the best gift you received?
By an absolute fluke of perfect-second timing I was given the opportunity to get payback on someone who had screwed me over, and I took it with immense pleasure.
Any particular moment during the year that you might remember say 20 years from now?
The above. It's a long story and it's kind of petty, but it was absolutely perfect.
Any song or album released during the year that may have caught your attention?
Not really. I am way off the scene of new music currently.
Any favorite movie relased during the year?
I only went to the cinema twice in 2017. Once to watch "Sing", and once to watch "Olaf's Frozen Adventure". I recommend Sing if you haven't seen it.
If you've participated in any of my leagues the past year, which one do you think stands out in your opinion?
I'm afraid I don't participate in those leagues.
What do you think had the biggest positive impact on your life during the year?
My high blood pressure. My Dr kicked my ass about my weight and blood pressure and I had a really good period of diet and exercise and lost a lot of weight. December and Christmas I fell off the wagon a lot though and piled some back on, so I need to get back on it now!
What one thing would you have done differently if given the chance?
Have kept up my good habits for much longer!
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your year with regards to your life outside the forums and on it?
It was a good year. Maybe an 8?

And now for the next one:

What skills do you want to lean, improve or master in 2018?
Which personal quality do you want to develop or strengthen?
Commitment to finishing things and getting things done properly!
Any particular habits you want to change or get rid of?
Laziness and eating too much!
What do you plan to achieve this year in life and on these forums?
I don't really plan to achieve anything on the forums. Hopefully ashes cricket gets back on track and i make some more retro teams? in life - i hope to launch a software product later this year. my company has put a lot of trust in me to build a team and launch a product and it's very exciting.
Who do you see as potential qualifiers for the Cricket World Cup from this year's WC qualifiers and why?
I haven't followed it enough to be honest!
Who do you think will be the No 1 ranked team in Test cricket come December 2018 and why?
I don't know. I think there is no stand-out team and while teams keep losing away I think No1 is kind of meaningless.
Any particular cricketer you think is worth watching out for this year?
Not really.
Who will you be supporting during the 2018 FIFA World Cup that starts in six months time?
  1. What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness?
  2. What will people say at your funeral?
  3. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok?
  4. Does this person know how much they mean to you? When was the last time you told them?
  5. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
  6. If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?
  7. If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit?
  8. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
  9. What are the chances you’ve passed up on that you regret?
  10. How do you apply the learning from this regret to your actions today?
Ten more


Which player, in your opinion, didn't play enough international cricket?

Similarly, which player has played far too much international cricket?

Which Cricket World Cup, in your opinion, was the best of all time?

Which non-cricketing athlete would you most like to see trained up into a cricketer and why?

Which eight teams would you include in a Premier League made up of franchises from anywhere in the world?


If sleep was unnecessary, what would you do with that time?

An honest magician offers you the chance to live forever. What do you say?

What common thing will you never experience?

What is something that you will always buy the expensive version of?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to answer your own questions on your AMA?
  1. What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness?
  2. What will people say at your funeral?
  3. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok?
  4. Does this person know how much they mean to you? When was the last time you told them?
  5. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
  6. If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?
  7. If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit?
  8. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
  9. What are the chances you’ve passed up on that you regret?
  10. How do you apply the learning from this regret to your actions today?

  1. Money, specifically wealth. I'm well off, have a good job/career and a happy home life. I'm as happy as can be. But equally there are things/opportunities i'd take/do that a shedload of money would make possible. but all things being equal, i am very happy.
  2. Good riddance.
  3. If we are talking material loss, obviously my wife is my rock and i'd turn to her. i
  4. I hope so. All the time.
  5. If you're a socialist, please stop breathing.
  6. Dunno... if I knew it, I'd spend the whole day with my wife and daughter but i'd probably be so overhwelmed with a sense of loss that i wouldn't see her grow up i'd probably end up doing bugger all. also, she's 3, she wouldn't get it, would scream that she couldn't watch paw patrol and it'd be a huge anti climax.
  7. Dave dies at the end.
  8. "A short, stocky, balding man".
  9. None. Are there things i could have done, opportunities i could have taken? Sure. But equally that path might have diverted me from the one where I'm married to this woman, have this daughter, have this career etc. so i can hardly regret not taking them.
  10. As above - be happy with where you are/what you got.
Ten more


Which player, in your opinion, didn't play enough international cricket?

Similarly, which player has played far too much international cricket?

Which Cricket World Cup, in your opinion, was the best of all time?

Which non-cricketing athlete would you most like to see trained up into a cricketer and why?

Which eight teams would you include in a Premier League made up of franchises from anywhere in the world?


If sleep was unnecessary, what would you do with that time?

An honest magician offers you the chance to live forever. What do you say?

What common thing will you never experience?

What is something that you will always buy the expensive version of?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to answer your own questions on your AMA?


Which player, in your opinion, didn't play enough international cricket? - Clive Rice and Franklyn Stephenson. When you talk about the great all rounders of the 80s, here's 2 that could have kept company with them and between them they never played a test! Rice is often talked about in that company, but less so Stephenson. He was the youngest of the lot, and perhaps more of a bowling all-rounder than a "true" all-rounder, but he remains the last man to do the 1000 runs/100 wickets in a season double, which he achieved in 1988 by scoring centuries in each innings of the final match of the season.

Similarly, which player has played far too much international cricket? - Ian Bell. The last 18 months of his test career he averaged under 30.

Which Cricket World Cup, in your opinion, was the best of all time? - Hard to say. I have never really followed ODI's to a great extent. 1992 had the best kits, and that Aravinda de Silva, one of my favourite ever players, won it in 1996 makes it a high-point to me.

Which non-cricketing athlete would you most like to see trained up into a cricketer and why? Can't say there is one. If there's an athlete that springs to mind, it's generally because i admire them/their skill in their sport, so i wouldn't want to move them. Also, I don't think there is much transferability to cricket, since batting and bowling are quite unlike skills in other sports.

Which eight teams would you include in a Premier League made up of franchises from anywhere in the world? - I've never watched a franchise game. True story. I have watched the odd ball or over of an IPL, BBL, CPL game, though i bet if you added all that up you probably still wouldn't have a full t20 match. doesn't interest me at all.


If sleep was unnecessary, what would you do with that time? - Nothing profound. Watch TV, eat, read.

An honest magician offers you the chance to live forever. What do you say? - No thanks.

What common thing will you never experience? - Gender-related stuff I guess like being pregnant/giving birth.

What is something that you will always buy the expensive version of? - Ketchup, baked beans, cereals.

Do you ever find yourself wanting to answer your own questions on your AMA - Not as such, but there have been some of answers where I half expected someone to ask a follow up and they didn't.
If coffee was illegal, what would its street name be?

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