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  1. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    I have not played online a lot( mostly have been playing in career mode) but posting a few quick queries/questions for online pros to help/comment to see if this is normal online behavior of DB14 or if there is something I can do to improve my gaming experience( apologies if this has already...
  2. L

    Discussion Online Play General Discussion

    I have not played online a lot( mostly have been playing in career mode) but posting a few quick queries/questions for online pros to help/comment to see if this is normal online behavior of DB14 or if there is something I can do to improve my gaming experience( apologies if this has already...
  3. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    very happy to report that my issue has been resolved. still not 100% sure what did the trick but between un-installing and re-installing , making the nvidia card the default and rebooting did the trick, Thanks to everyone on this forum for their help and suggestions. See you online after a few...
  4. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    very happy to report that my issue has been resolved. still not 100% sure what did the trick but between un-installing and re-installing , making the nvidia card the default and rebooting did the trick, Thanks to everyone on this forum for their help and suggestions. See you online after a few...
  5. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    The game should be legit , bought it yesterday through steam (payment via paypal).... In terms of Steam ID , as posted above it is 76561198029070632 , the version 1.08 ( Separately I had also provided this to get membership to the d/l section and had it verified)... If need be can also send the...
  6. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    any ideas abt the above ? Removing and reinstalling also didn't help ... thanks
  7. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    Any help appreciated. Mode: So far in causal and online Match Type: All Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Random Ground: All Teams: All Get Best: Yes Description of Issue: The game crashes to desktop randomly, using win 7 64 bit machine. have already tried installing / uninstalling and...
  8. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    it is in the post above.
  9. L

    PC Version Troubleshooting/Bug Reporting

    apologies if this is the not right place/format for posting issues... for some reason the game crashes randomly to desktop(just got it a few hrs ago), I have win 7 64 bit. I have verified the integrity of the local files within steam and now also uninstalled the Demo in case that was colliding...
  10. L

    DBC14 PC Specifications

    haha , yes you are correct, goes back to cricket revolution days when the acct with complete spellings was already taken... now that's another game which had promise and then just died down. on the DB 14 front, have installed it, made a request to join the d/l forums using the instructions...
  11. L

    DBC14 PC Specifications

    Have gone ahead and pulled the trigger on the purchase, lets see how it goes.
  12. L

    DBC14 PC Specifications

    Looking to buy the game today so can play over the weekend and wanted to double check if it will run my laptop Intel i5 CPU M460 @2.53 GHZ Nvidia GeForce GT 435 M Any help will be appreciated. thanks