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  1. T

    Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

    Having made an (woeful) attempt at creating my club side; I had a thought as to possibly improving assigning skills to players by making the assignment top-down. By this I mean you start by assigning the player an overall rating for each of batting, bowling and fielding and then go down to...
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    Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

    Quick question, I'll be buying the game on PS3 - is there any point my downloading your creations to the CA beta on my computer now or do I just wait until I get the PS3 version and do it then. I suppose my question is will my updating/saving over the CA rosters carry over to my PS3 version...
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    PS3: PS3 username thread for online matchups

    psn: thevicky If you want some cheap wins I'm your man - absolutely woeful at cricket video games... I even found IC10 difficult (in hard mode)
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    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    Another compromise might be for the radar to only show when the bowler is at the top of his mark then disappear when he starts running in.
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    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    Both good ideas! I especially like the idea of a "blurred" dot showing a general idea of fielders. I don't think that the issue of pointing a wedge between the fielders will be an issue in this game as there are so many variables influencing shot placement and the nature of the control...
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    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    Agree that if it's there then an option should be available to turn off. The game is all about customisation so it would be nice to have the option based on personal preferences.
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    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    One issue that occurs to me with the birds-eye view option is ease of implementation? Presumably its a lot simpler and faster to code a radar than it is to put in effectively a whole new camera angle. Of course this is coming from someone with zero programming knowledge.
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    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    A reasonable suggestion; but I still feel like the time taken to switch between views will add unnecesary delays to the gameplay. WOn't matter if the batsman only does it now and then but if you're playing an opponent who does it more or less every ball that could substantially slow down the...
  9. T

    IGN preview for Don Bradman 14 (Looks cool)

    One (minor) gameplay criticism the previewer made which I wholeheartedly agree with was surrounding the lack of a radar or mini-map: While I appreciate this single-minded pursuit of realism, I thought this went a little too far though. It?s a little too tedious to look around the field two or...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    So YOU'RE the guy who stole my lunch...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

    Release date is Thursday 30 January 2014... Ross is just punking us all by not telling us till the day after it's come out; the early-septembering-fegan!
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Yeah I thought of this. Also thought about recalibrating the controller so that 11o'clock was "straight". Decided against it as I didn't want to get into bad habits when i played the full game on the PS3. As far as I'm aware there's no way of recalibrating PS3 controllers.
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Couldn't bear the wait so went and bought a wired Xbox360 controller for PC (despite the fact I'll be buying the game on PS3 when it comes out). Couple of points: 1) super impressed with the game so far although I'm rubbish at batting (as I was in IC10 on hard mode) 2) I feel BigAnt have...
  14. T

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

    I'm wondering how this will interact with the edge behind system and the idea that you won't always know if there's an edge/whether to review. Surely if the game forces you to take control when there's a catch then you'll always know that there's been an edge? (I note this concern's been...
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    Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

    Don't worry - Having realised after the release of the first version of CA (before it was DBCA) that I am arguably the worst player creator in existence, I have been following this and similar threads very closely to compile a mental list of whose teams I will be downloading in what category...
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    Complete Linked / Skilled/Attributed teams **DOWNLOAD STEPS INCLUDED** - check 1st post for list

    @ Israr & BD: Are you working collabaratively on teams or are you each uploading your own? You each seem so talented and to have put so much effort in I have no idea whose team to choose!
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    Post your questions about the game here!

    Really? I always interpreted it as being we will know BY 30 November... I mean technically you'd still be correct but still...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

    Quick questions Ross - 1) is the above scenario even possible? As in can we use the BARS tools (Hot spot, snicko etc) to look back at a decision that wasn't reviewed? I thought they were only available once a review was aked for. It would be great to see the replay of a dismissal you...
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    Cricket Academy Beta Minimum Requirements

    Why would he need a new hammer?
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    Your Player Cards

    So after spending a few hours on CA and looking at everyone's work on here I've made two conclusions: 1) Some people on here are absolute geniuses when it comes to player creation and; 2) I can't create players to save my life This would not ordinarily be a problem but I'm desperate to create...