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  1. E

    Remapping the gamepad (PC Version)

    I tried hacking the csv file but to no avail. It seems to take no notice of any changes you make. This was while trying to create an entry for my Saitek Rumblepad. Then when I tried using my MS Sidewinder joypad in Cricket 2005 I noticed the key mappings were all messed up - well to be exact...
  2. E

    Remapping the Controls (PC Version) This is How You Do It.

    The only problem is you lose the ability to use the gamepad's analogue controller so it's not really an ideal solution.
  3. E

    Cricket 2005 - Report Bugs Here

    I get fed up of Jim Maxwell constantly calling yorkers "full half-volleys" or balls pitch just outside of off-stump as "wide" but those are just gameplay flaws they will probably never get round to sorting. In the case of actual bugs I've noticed that sometimes during the fall of wickets...
  4. E

    Control Changes

    They've changed the Six Hit button to button number 5, which on my Saitek Rumblepad (hurrah, Cricket 2005 actually supports the Rumblepad!) is one of the two right most buttons of the main six, and I can't change it to either the left or right button at the top of the gamepad. It's difficult...
  5. E

    My first impressions of Cricket 2005 PS2

    What a shame. I was just about to go and buy the XBox version. Is this a major bug or can you save at less regular intervals?