My first impressions of Cricket 2005 PS2

Bill Greensmith

Club Captain
Jun 12, 2005
Lancashire, UK
You win some, you lose some. This time we've lost more than we've gained I fear. I was very excited at the prospect of a new, enhanced version of EA2004, but I am pretty disappointed with 2005.

Yes you can adjust the size and shape of each player's nose, eyes and ear hair, but you can't alter their size or shape of their bodies, which are much more evident in the heat of a match. Kevin Pietersen (or Chris Tremlett, 6foot 7inches) is the same size as the most diminuitive Bangladeshi.

If the batsman pushes the ball defensively toward silly mid off, the bowler runs to retreive the ball and silly mid off (silly indeed) races to the bowler's stumps. The fielders all seem to race about at breakneck speed.

Worst of all, where the ball is pitching only becomes apparent AFTER you can move, making it totally impossible to adjust to different balls, lengths, widths etc.

I am very tempted to take it back and wait for BLC to come out.

More later. . . . .
I agree, it doesn't seem too special. The graphics have improved, but the gameplay is very slow and sluggish i find. This is partly the fault of the game, but is also the PS2 showing its age. Slow and sluggish are the two words i find myself thinking after playing for about an hour. Also is seems absolutely impossible to play a shot, i can't get the ball through mid wicket, i can't anything on the off side, my only runs seem to come through fine leg when i mis-time the ball.

Who cares about the size and shape of somebodies nose?

Are you saying that you like to move the batsmans position after you know where the ball is going to be bowled? That's pathetic, at least EA have sorted that problem out. In fact, they've sorted a lot of the problems out, like the bowler marker only becomes apparent a couple of seconds before you have to play your shot, and thier is no stupid running from the computer batsman.

So far though, slow and sluggish, which i didn't find on the PC demo. And really hard to play a shot, which could turn out to be a good thing, if i improve with practice. Roll on the PS3, does anybody know when it comes out?
Right I've just played 2 10 over matches against a mate and here's my thoughts.

Bad Points (lets get them out of the way)

*Takes ages for a keeper to try and go for a stumping making it virtually impossible.
*Fielders get around very quickly, some would say too quickly (this is only a minor gripe)
*Lack of grounds for some countries is annoying.
*Not being able to edit current players is annoying but again only a minor gripe.
*Sometimes if the ball lands close to the wicketkeeper the bowler will run the length of the pitch to field (minor gripe again).

Good Points

*Very tough to bat (this may be a negative for some but not in my opinion as long as it becomes easier with time), this could be a very big plus.
*Bowling is excellent.
*Fielding is good (with the exception of the stumping and quick fielders as mentioned above)
*Graphics are good
*Squads pretty much up to date

I'll hopefully have some more thoughts later when I play it after work.....I didnt like playing on a wet wicket, but the normal wicket was excellent.

Edited to add......what I might do later to improve my batting is to go in the nets and then play a match with me batting on the best batting wicket possible against a lesser team to get used to the timing of the ball etc - just a thought if some other people have problems with batting.
Scousepig - Not really, though its all down to what you are used to and what you prefer...the speed seemed ok to me...I quite like it, though once I have played for a good few hours maybe my opinion will change....hope not though. :cheers
Sir Geoffrey said:
You win some, you lose some. This time we've lost more than we've gained I fear. I was very excited at the prospect of a new, enhanced version of EA2004, but I am pretty disappointed with 2005.

Yes you can adjust the size and shape of each player's nose, eyes and ear hair, but you can't alter their size or shape of their bodies, which are much more evident in the heat of a match. Kevin Pietersen (or Chris Tremlett, 6foot 7inches) is the same size as the most diminuitive Bangladeshi.

If the batsman pushes the ball defensively toward silly mid off, the bowler runs to retreive the ball and silly mid off (silly indeed) races to the bowler's stumps. The fielders all seem to race about at breakneck speed.

Worst of all, where the ball is pitching only becomes apparent AFTER you can move, making it totally impossible to adjust to different balls, lengths, widths etc.

I am very tempted to take it back and wait for BLC to come out.

More later. . . . .

It could be worse and have the BLIC bug of the bowler chasing the ball to all parts of the ground. So far I have seen the bowler chase it to deep mid wicket and long on :rolleyes:.

I think in real life cricket you can't tell where the ball is going to land until it has left the bowler's hand, why should this be any different in a sim video game?
Could someone clear up something for me on the PS2 version is it possible to save the game after every over? People were saying this option is not available on the xbox but it is on the PC.. Was just wondering whether its on PS2 or not

It is available on the PS2 after every over. It is only the X-Box version that has this bug.
What a shame. I was just about to go and buy the XBox version. Is this a major bug or can you save at less regular intervals?
I have heard it is damn hard which may put off casual gamer but in the long run may be a good thing.
It is available on the PS2 after every over. It is only the X-Box version that has this bug.

This is good to hear. The thought of playing a test matcha nd not being able to save wud have been unbearable. Im gonna pick up this game when i get paid tomorrow. :)
a word of guys should buy the PC version..its the best and most customizable..
also more fun and less bugs..and the bugs that there are can be fixed...
and if you have a gamepad..then its just like playing it on PS2 or Xbox
Well, my opinion of the game has changed a bit in the last few hours, i think it's pretty decent now. I'll explain more later but i'm getting used to the pace a bit, and improving a bit at batting.
Just got my Cricket 2005 for xbox, and I'm so freaking disappointed. This game is so damn slow! I hate this game......what's the point of making a cricket game so slow?
Cricket 2005 lost my intrest within 5 overs of playing this game....cheez wat a waste of money.
I will try to return this game and get BLIc which has better gameplay and is fast paced.
There two different styles of game, cricket 2005 is more realistic and blc is more arcad style. Ill get both, i have EA Cricket 2005 on PC and i will be getting BLC on X-Box as its more for a pas time half an hour than 3 hour test matches.

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