Search results

  1. A

    Pakistan in India

    The Pakistani batting was brilliant! Afridi showed that he can bat sensibly. Also Younis Khan also showed that he can bat very very nicely by not throwing his wicket away! Overall 9.8/10! Well Done Pakistan! I think 9.8/10 is more than they deserve i think it should be 8/10 the way they bowled...
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    Farrukh's Downloads

    wow absolutely fantastic. The Pakistani kit along with jumper looks great. keep it up Boss :onpc
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    BLIC 2007 Videos

    Video of intro and menu screens quality low due to slow connection :crying wait for next one :onpc ok here is the video problem in last post Here is the Game play Video in north London :cheers
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    Player Face Request.

    you want three i ll give you 478 here are pics of all the players available in the game. 478 pics to be exact. :p :eek: