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  1. R

    help with mega patch

    Install problem I am having similar problems, when I try to extract the rars, it tells me that rar1 is corrupt. I have tried redownloading several times but still get the same problem. Please ignore my last post, it was rar3 that had been corrupted and was fixed by new download, was just...
  2. R

    Mega Patch v1.0 Released (How do u like it?)

    Corrupt File Have downloaded all rar files, buit whenever I try to extract is tells me rar1 has been corupted. Have deleted and tried to download several times but still the same message. Any clues anyone ???
  3. R

    Best Cricket commentator

    Best Commentary Team After being glued to the tele this summer fort he ashes, for the first time in many a year, I always look forward with relish to Geoff Boycott and Tony Greig in tandem, obviusly no love lost between them and neither pulls his punches either. Hope Tony Greig stays around.