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  1. Jadel

    Rubbish game

    Wtf is wrong with you? If you can't differentiate between murderers/pedophiles and petty thieves then you have a serious problem. This guy is obviously a loser and a thief but its hyperbole to call him the absolute scum of the earth.
  2. Jadel

    Rubbish game

    I know its off topic but ... Crazy islamists beheading children in Iraq, russians blowing up passenger aircraft in Ukraine, Jews blowing up everything in Palestine, most of the British entertainment industry fiddling kids in the 80's ... No hes not the absolute scum of the earth. Come...
  3. Jadel

    Spin Bowling Impression and questions..

    As long as 1 and 2 are concurrent then it's ok. And 4 is... Not my favorite style, I bowl almost everything on the stumps. Leaving you bowled, lbw, caught behind and caught in the outfield. Bowling outside the line pretty much leaves you caught on the outfield.
  4. Jadel

    Spin Bowling Impression and questions..

    Either your gamepad is broken or you are doing it wrong. It's pretty much impossible to bowl a wide with a spin bowler. The only way you can do it like you describe is to press a length button while you aren't choosing the delivery type. .. the left stick must be moved and held when you...
  5. Jadel

    Spin Bowling Impression and questions..

    Im not sure how many overs of spin I have bowled but I've taken nearly 1000 wickets and I have never once seen a ball not do what I told it to do. Whether it's over or around the wicket the ball spins the correct way and aims exactly where you tell it to go. Tl:dr... You are doing it wrong.
  6. Jadel

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    What do you mean not really? Its bizarre that they needed videos for this. It's just as weird that they somehow did this accidentally. Within 5 minutes of playing the patch it was obvious. It should have been just obvious to them. I'm glad they are looking at it and hope they fix it...
  7. Jadel

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    Really? I can't remember the last time I was caught by the bowler if ever under patch 2. Getting caught off the pull shot is really pissing me off though. There's a nice big field and every time I hit it straight to the man. I have got like 500 wickets and 6 runs in my first season. Totally...
  8. Jadel

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Ls down just bowls a slider. There is no per delivery adjustments for speed. Flighted balls go a bit slower as you would expect. The top spinner goes a bit quicker. The bumpers should work imo, I think the ai gets to use that effect judging by the different pace they achieve. Maybe not...
  9. Jadel

    Post your questions about the game here!

    when the option to review comes up you choose YES
  10. Jadel

    Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

    Lol OK mate whatever you think You do your thing I'll do mine.
  11. Jadel

    Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

    I feel almost the oopposite. I hate pc gaming. 30 years I've been pplaying gaming nerd but it's pretty much always annoying. Driver conflicts, constant upgrades of hardware, expensive, shitty input devices... The mouse and keyboard... Horrible. Blue screens, lag, chippy frame rates, size...
  12. Jadel

    Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

    This is true, and that's why I don't get the point of this feedback thing. It's 100% of batsman, 100% of the time on pretty much 100% of shots. You don't need feedback you just need to play the game for 5 minutes.
  13. Jadel

    Help with batting some questions

    its really disappointing because everything else is so much better now. (except the returns landing on the top of the stumps all the time). Batting is just horrible now. I even tried amateur just to see if it would help, its just as bad. The batsman seem to always go for massive shots...
  14. Jadel

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    Lol wtf omg... And any other cool acronyms
  15. Jadel

    How are you doing in your career?

    Sweet, appealed an lbw that was given not out. Appeal was successful and brought up the"legend bowler" achievement Still can't bat for love or money but that was cool
  16. Jadel

    Post your questions about the game here!

    But it's only for when he travels twice a month. People always look at me strangely when i wear my ski mask into the bank but it's only because my head is cold. There's just no trust left in the world
  17. Jadel

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Hah, good luck with that.
  18. Jadel

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    I am not even close to filling a bar because there is not one for "caught from shot that should have been on the ground" however, I would imagine that you should get another type of point if you play another type of shot.