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  1. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    I've given up now. Apart from the obvious problems that we all know about, last time I fired up the game on ps3 the opening screen was scrambled (like a tv with interference)...happened twice running, then worked on the third time...just not good enough for a full priced game..going in the bin...
  2. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    That's not quite true...I changed my socks twice
  3. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    The game has reached the stage where it's playable but not enjoyable, with little niggles like the unwanted fielding changes etc. I bought two versions, one for xbox and then one for ps3 as the xbox one wouldn't save, and now the niggles are spoiling even the ps3 version! I know it's as a big...
  4. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    can anyone give us even a clue as to what will be in patch 3? Love the game but each patch seems to bring more problems that it solves. ie: solved the silly AI batsmen out of their crease runouts and the dead eye fielders, but made the batting less enjoyable as it's hard to keep the ball low...
  5. H

    Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

    Simple wish......To return the batting to how it was before the patches, fed up of hitting the ball up in the air no matter what stroke I play. I know there's the triggers to hold to keep it low, but before the patches I was keeping it fairly low without the need to hold down the triggers (ps3)
  6. H

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    think I might too, can always not take a chancy run
  7. H

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    so can't just have patch 1 on it's own? Not worried about online play (ps3 by the way, have given up with xbox version for now)
  8. H

    Batting in career mode is a serious issue

    I totally agree about the batting being more fun before the patches... so many shots now fly into the air for catches now no matter how you play the shot. The biggest bugs before any patches were the ai fielders always knocking down the stumps with their throws and the suicidal ai batsman at the...
  9. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    weird because when I play on my ps3 I get no stuttering at all
  10. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    Just a thought, I wonder if putting a dummy save into the code that activated before you started, would work instead of having to play one ball and save to get the game working?
  11. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    I would like an option in patch 3 where if you play for England in Australia and are fielding on the boundary, the fans could throw fruit at you, to make you feel at home.
  12. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    tried with and without memory stick and no difference, still wouldn't save correctly
  13. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    you coudn't make it up could you :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
  14. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    just tell us why they are blaming ms when before the patch it saved correctly? simple question, but still they blame ms
  15. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    I agree totally, makes no sense.... it wasn't there before the patch, stands to reason the patch must have caused it
  16. H

    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    Seems that patch 2 has cured some of the earlier issues yet given us even more now to put up with. Nice try Big Ant, but it's worse now than before patch 2. Will wait for next years game now if there is one and won't buy it until i've read the reviews on here. (should have done it this time...
  17. H

    Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

    mine did that, i rebooted and it worked fine
  18. H

    Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

    bowlers still can't catch, lot more 'air' shots since the patch and fielders on the boundary just stroll in at their own pace. Not had the shuddering yet on ps3, batting on pro is easier and bowling harder which evens things out a bit
  19. H

    Post your questions about the game here!

    noobie question here, i set the field then a few balls later it's switched by the ai to another field setting...anyway to stop the the game from using it's own field settings and to keep mine in play?
  20. H

    Patch#2 Notes - Patch is Live

    pc versions of any game will always have more issues due to the different pc os sytems/graphic cards etc that the game runs on