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  1. P

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Thank you for the response! Good to gain captaincy and lots of features and to answer to your 4th Point, Yes we can change fielding once you gain captaincy. Only feature missing is, Need Team Selection and Changing of our batting order! Hope it comes in future Patch update! :) Till then we...
  2. P

    Post your questions about the game here!

    THats bad, and whats the use of gaining Captaincy? thats funny! If am a Opening batsman and If i want to change my slot will it possible to do it in captaincy? Thanks! :)
  3. P

    Post your questions about the game here!

    @BigAntStudios Is it possible to edit team in career mode once we gain captain of the team? #DonBradmanCricket
  4. P

    Career - Captain

    I was offered Captain of Domestic OD team and I want to know how to make team selection? I mean how to select playing XI
  5. P

    Post your questions about the game here!

    Hi, Do we have option to enable Batting/Bowling power play? I have edited the Team Uniform in DB Academy, but its not reflecting in the career mode! but Field editing is reflecting in career mode! Any help/suggestion or information are appreciated! Thank you! Prabhu :thumbs