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  1. B

    Duplicate Players - Need Help!

    As i said in the other thread, i have only downloaded the recommended teams from the first page of the "which teams to download" thread, and i did them individually, not used the Get Best function at all. There are no duplicate players in my Players list - all appear as if they are linked, yet...
  2. B

    The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

    No duplicates in the actual player list. Had that problem previously, but that's not it this time.
  3. B

    The PlanetCricket Don Bradman 17 'Which teams to download' thread

    Hi guys, I have only downloaded the teams suggested on the first post plus munkeymomo's county teams, and am selecting "replace current with new" when prompted, yet I'm still getting 2xMitchell Starc everytime I start career mode. Any thoughts on what's causing it? Cheers