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  1. S

    C2k5 Player Editor

    Have to say what a brilliant addition, coupled with the 4GB bat pack and the gaMCHanger 2 prog also Tutsi and co's AI files am back on C2K5.... Thanks everyone for doing a great job in getting C2K5 upto a very enjoyable level... All the best for 2006 :cheers Steve S.
  2. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Version 2.1 great patch there Tutsi, at least I'm getting boundries and posting decent totals in ODI's now thanks to your patch... Great Work!!! Cheers, Steve S.
  3. S

    lineup editor

    Cheers Mate;) Steve S.
  4. S

    lineup editor

    Adding teams How do we get the offset number to add teams ? Cheers, Steve S.