lineup editor

can you try and make it so you can bring players from the state squads and put them in the default australia squad...
thanks :D
gr8 work!! is it possible to add players from the A teams though?? that wud be much better!! also can we edit which players are chosen for tours when we click on auto select the players chosen??
does this remove the bug where it reverts to a default line up after resuming a saved game?
great work prakash!, is anyone hex edit the field settings still?

Adding teams

How do we get the offset number to add teams ?


Steve S.
Here's what I do to get the offsets of the teams.

1. In C2004, go to team management, Base copy and see the note down the first 3 players of the team that u want to edit.

2. Open roster.pak in the hex editor and do an ASCII search for the 3 players seperately.

3. Get their hex ids. Ex: Player 1: A2 C2 .... Player 2: CD E7 ... Player 3: E5 FD

4. Then do a hex search in roster.pak for the 3 hex ids in the same order as in the team i.e. Search for A2 C2 CD E7 E5 FD

5. U will get a search result. The offset where the result starts is the offset of that team.

Hope this makes sense and helps.

This is really great.

It would help a lot more if it could be enhanced to read the .gob file (from which roster.pak seems to get created each time a profile is created) and the .sav file (which is the line-up that the CPU shows us before the start of the match). At least if the .sav file could be modified then the line-up bug could be overcome.

Thanx for your effort.
I tried to cheat the line-up editor by saving a .sav file as .pak and then entering the decimal offset for the teams as in the new .pak.

Unfortunately, the line-up editor does not work if I do this. :(
Originally posted by prakash_ultimate
I created this editor based on the tutorial by AQWER. Before changing make sure that you have backed up the original roster.pak file.

Thanks Prakash, I knew it wont be too long before you came up with this. :)
hey thnx a lot it saved a lot of time coz now we dont have to go through and manually hex eidt everything which becomes a pain

but one thing that would be rgeat is if it could read save game files coz i cant change the default lineup for that...without bloody manual hex editing :(

but great neway
Is it possible to edit the names of players using a hex editor? I have tried but the game crashes when I try to view the team in Team Management.

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