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  1. L

    Pitchad - 256 colors bmp - Help

    Hi I've been trying to use different pitchads for long. I have the graphics importer and also the pitchad png file downloaded. Since the graphic importer accepts only a bmp file, i convert this png file into a bmp file. After this, it looks fine, but when I change this to 256-color as...
  2. L

    Faces Help - Please! Please! Please!

    Hi I have gone through all threads with respect to changing faces. But I still have a doubt. I have the GD kit replacer. But I dont understand how do i replace this teams.txt and with what. I could see a "teams.txt" file in the GD kit replacer zip file. If I have to replace this file...
  3. L

    Cricket 2004 bugs list

    Hi I dont know whether anyone has already posted this. At the end of the match, if you look at the scorecard where a team is all out, you can find that no batsman is shown NOTOUT!!! instead of this, C&B will appear against his name. LOL. LOL. LOL. Also, talking about C&B, there are no...
  4. L

    cant bowl anyone out

    Hi I do bowl out CPU batsmen. I'll tell you what has worked out for me. I always surprise the batsman with a slow leg-cutter. The right arm fast bowler to pitch at middle of the pitch right in front of middle and off stump and bowl a sharp leg cutter. Make sure you're not firing in. Cut the...
  5. L

    Confidence Meter - Another EA gimmick?

    Hi I've been playing this game for quite awhile. I find this batsmen's confidence meter, probably, a sort of an EA gimmick. I feel, regardless of your confidence meter, if you mis-time a shot you'll get an edge or get out. I dont find much of a significance for the meter. And also, when...
  6. L

    Best Camera Angle While Playing

    Hi I was playing the game with the default camera angle for quite some time. Once for a change, I switched to the ABOVE camera angle. The one I'm talking about in EA Cricket 2004 is not REVERSE angle but ABOVE angle. Here the camera is facing the batsman, but a little farer and a little...