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  1. K

    Where can i get the barmy army kit?

    Hi im getting an ftp kind of display at ...cant figure wat to download to get barmyarmy's kit update..... some1 please educate me on wat to do
  2. K

    Barmy Army's kit update

    need the whole kit update....could some1 tell me the exact location of the same at ?
  3. K

    Tutsi's A.I. Patches

    OK managed to open the site..aka ....wats the name tof the file/location which has the barmyarmy patch?
  4. K

    Tutsi's A.I. Patches

    Hi everyone is not working......could some1 please tell me where toi download barmyarmy's kit pack from (which will enable me to install the 5.0 pack)?