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  1. S

    bowling machine

    i have used a bowling machine heaps and they are excellent in the way you can get the ball to pitch in one certain area all the time and work on one particular shot.
  2. S

    Help with Channel 9 patch please

    oh ok. thanks for that. : ) works fine now thank you!
  3. S

    Help with Channel 9 patch please

    when i download and import either the channel 9 tv patch verion 2 or 2.5 it doesnt work properly. i import it through the latest version of graphics importer without any problems. all the features in the game that are supposed to have been replaced are now white, its hard to explain. the text...
  4. S

    downloading problem pls someone help

    Thank you very much Shake_12
  5. S

    downloading problem pls someone help

    i'm not sure if this has been posted already but the latest lineup editor link is broken as is the channel nine V2 link
  6. S

    downloading problem pls someone help

    help with downloading Lineup Editor V4.11 please Help! When I click on the download link to download Lineup Editor V4.11 i get this web page come up: Not Found The requested URL /files/Lineup411.ZIP was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered...