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  1. J

    Question about nets sessions...

    Is it possible to bowl the batsman? I tried setting the batsman's skill to 1 but the only time I have hit the stumps in the nets is when the ball rebounds off the net XD I have bowled the AI plenty of times in games, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
  2. J

    JBs DLs: overlay, pitches+ads+screens, bats/balls/stumps, nets etc UPDATED REGULARLY! CHECK 1st POST

    N.B. If you have Explorer (or another file manager) set to not show the extensions of files in the filenames, take that into account when following the instructions of the readmes i.e. if I were to say "rename 'RED_example.jpg' to 'example.jpg' to install", you would in fact be renaming...
  3. J

    Visual Update (Ball, Stumps+Bails, Pitches+Outfields, Rope+Stadium Ads)

    INCLUDES: - White Kookaburra ODI Ball - ICC Champions Trophy Stumps - Real ads at the boundaries and on the stadia - Differentiated dry/normal/green pitches/outfields - Blue nets-training area with new "mats" NOTE: I haven't done the large billboards in each individual stadium yet...
  4. J

    Tutorial How to edit pitch and field textures (+ Bonus: My custom outfield/pitches! Better gfx & performance)

    notes: INTERIORS.CR CONTAINS THE PITCH TEXTURES INCLUSIVE OF THE NETS to change the pitches in singleplayer at least you need to change the dry/normal/grassy pitches that are found in the DayLight folder. the similar folders in the main interiors directory are for floodlit games...
  5. J

    Tutorial Provisional Ball Texture Template (+ Bonus: My Custom Yellow/Orange Black-Seamed Ball)

    Here is a template I have made for the WhiteBallTextureLR.png texture found in Shapes\ball. It needs some tweaking (the seam needs to be either wider or thinner) but the principles are sound; the seam runs horizontally along the bottom whilst the two sides of the ball are vertical and adjacent...
  6. J

    Tutorial Stumps/bails texture template + Bonus: my official ICC Champions Trophy stumps textures!

    We should try to upload the templates for various textures as we find them, in one place, so that modders won't have to aim in the dark for too long; here is the template for the stumps texture (found in As a demonstration (and a cool thing to have) I made a replica of these...
  7. J

    What custom teams have you made so far?

    I have made the current team for Ireland and am gonna do Scotland next... too bad the AI won't play custom teams... Anybody made anything fun? Maybe based the classic Invincibles team in Argentina or something XD?
  8. J

    Copy Protection/ DRM for PC version

    I had a little search and I couldn't find anything but this is the single most important question regarding the game for PC users anyway so it deserves its own thread: What copy protection will the game use? All I know is that apparently it will use some for of copy protection, and this could...