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  1. S

    new to cricket

    Well, in the full version of 2004 (I presume 2005 will be the same) there is a practice in the nets option. That helps a bit. They give you some advice on whether you are swinging too early or too late etc. Best advice is to stick to only a few shots (like the drive for example) and practice it...
  2. S

    Problems running the blic pc demo anybody?

    I'm the same. Don't have a laptop, playing it on my desktop but no luck. Managed to get 2 balls once before it crashed. Have had no problems playing EA Cricket 2005 demo, or any other demo for that matter. I downloaded the commentary version
  3. S

    Cricket 2005 Demo Released - Views, Opinions and Reviews

    I used a Playstation controller plugged in via the USB port to play this demo and I just pressed "O" (front foot shot) to skip through the cut scenes etc. Haven't tried with keyboard, I just assumed it was the same. About to install the BLIC demo now. Will be interesting to compare the two games
  4. S

    Cricket 2005 Demo Released - Views, Opinions and Reviews

    :) Well after playing 2005 for a good hour or so heres what I thought of it - graphically its great. I have no idea what some people were on about in earlier posts saying the graphics weren't that good, or only average. They are very polished. Great close ups. Gameplaywise, I think it plays...