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  1. P

    Fielding Radar

    Radar Hey there, Yeah I think you make a few good points there. Yes I think people just feel that it might get easier to hit if there is a radar there. But to make a game tough I do not think this route is preferable. There are certain things for which a game has to be a game. The...
  2. P

    Fielding Radar

    Hi Guys I maybe a little late on this thread as I have just recently purchased this game. I have read lots of pros and cons of a fielding radar or a mini-map. I am completely for a mini map or a radar. The simple reason is below: 1) When I come out to bat in real life I know exactly where...
  3. P


    i wanna know how do i bowl fast like around 135kmh or 140 kmh without bowling a no-ball. basically i don't know how to bowl. secondly how do i play a straight yorker. i always get bowled when i press the down key and play a normal shot i.e. s
  4. P

    please help me guys

    hey thanks a lot gold639 thats just the thing i was doing i was just pressing the direction and pressing the shift button.i tried what u said and it worked. thanx a lot now can't wait to play the game
  5. P

    please help me guys

    i've tried editing controls too but it doesn't work i've tried everything........if this is the wrong forum where do i post i'm new to this thing
  6. P

    please help me guys

    Well in my game of cricket 2004 i am not able to use the six hit button. i mean when i go out to bat and i press the left shift ket he just leaves the ball. Its very frustrating the game is working properly but the main button is not working. Every other thing is fine. I've tried everything to...