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  1. J

    Crowd is messed up in demo

    Because problems with starforce haven't been experienced by just warez kiddies :) But most of those articles are a year and a half old, so I'm going to hope that they've fixed the problems. Mainly because I've been having great fun with the demo expansion and really really want the game. :D...
  2. J

    Crowd is messed up in demo

    Bah, just found out that BLC07 uses starforce protection, so I won't be getting it anyway :( Funny how copy protection can completely turn off a customer from buying a legal copy :)
  3. J

    Crowd is messed up in demo

    Hey guys Got the demo earlier and it seems like good fun, much more fluid and fun than the EA games. but when I play, the crowd is totally messed up. When it loads up it looks fine for half a second, then I get all these artifacts and stuff when the game starts moving Check out of this...
  4. J

    Do the opposition batsmen "cheat" a bit?

    Is it just me, or do the opposition batsman get horribly good if you also have a top innings before them? Been playing as England and just had my first test against South Africa. Batted first and it was a decent pitch, so I managed to get a good total of around 550. Then I bowled out South...
  5. J

    Need help wit ODIs(n mayb tests)

    Tips are helping a bit, probably just need to get some more training for my bowlers since they are slowly getting better (sort of) Finished up 13th in the National League compared to 18th last season. One win away from going up a division, but then Surrey whipped me by 65 runs :D
  6. J

    Need help wit ODIs(n mayb tests)

    Everyone seems to have batting probs, but I suck at bowling instead :brickwall Alright for 4day games (4 blocks) and 20-20 (2 blocks) but I normally have big big problems with winning in one dayers. I try low aggression, high aggression, mixing field settings, bowling at the legs and far...
  7. J

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    :hpraise :hpraise :hpraise Your patch made C2k5 a LOT more fun to play, but I haven't used it as much as I would have liked due to that crash bug. So thanks a lot for this. :clap Looking forward to 2.0 final!