Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

dr tutsi...good work mate..i dont hve da game..i played da demo but 3 overs where not enuff...i am gonna get da game soon but i think ill download da patch b4 all dat happens..
good work guyz...i agree wid zerobound a lil...
but tutsi has all da rite 2 get ****ed off...coz i read da whole thread (yes i am dat bored of life) and he's putting a lot of hard work in it..
dude...one question..why doesnt EA get people who play cricket 2 test dez games out..i mean...BLIC...fine leg an third man for 6's only??? i mean cum on..
i luv cricket 2005...does ny1 hve a longer demo..till i get da game???
well done doc...

ummm...y rnt tutsi's patches in da download center?
or is it jst me....
Tutsi another serious bug ,spin bowler bowls outside off stump and i left the delivery it hits on keepers glows and hits the stump and umpire gave as Bowled.It happens 3 times in a same match.Look into that.
I love the patch, it is by far the best I have tried....... however..... it crashes for me. Sometimes when a batsman edges the ball to the keeper, the game crashes with this error message

Crash Error Message

Can anyone help?
christy_lenin1 said:
Tutsi another serious bug ,spin bowler bowls outside off stump and i left the delivery it hits on keepers glows and hits the stump and umpire gave as Bowled.It happens 3 times in a same match.Look into that.

ahem.......please!!!! :rolleyes:

Steve S.
sorry mates..
too much MSN for me you know...
nyways...does any1 hve a demo expander thingy for cricket 2005 also???
im bored of BLIC already...thnx 2 the demo expander...
hey tutsi
i used ur patch today and i gotta tell u thAt u hv done a fine job
i played the flicks , straight drives , on drives , backfoot st. drive , backfoot flick but the main shots (cover drive , sq. cuts, pulls , late cuts) are still missing

can u plz make the outfields slow??

i tried a pull , it connected too but the game crashed
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YO YO YO YO............................!!! YO !!!

Hey homies, as the patch is taking a bit more time to complete.............

Here's a treat for ya guys.............

FIXED version of 1.2 has been uploaded.....now d game wont crash.(Hopefully)

Bonus : 2.0 BETA version has also been uploaded. Mind ya, its a very old beta version of 2.0 so u can expect a lot of changes in the FINAL 2.0. This version has been ONLY been uploaded to provide u wth sumthing new till 2.0 is released.


!!! WORD LIFE !!!
tutsipoppy2 said:
[FIXED version of 1.2 has been uploaded.....now d game wont crash.(Hopefully)
:hpraise :hpraise :hpraise

Your patch made C2k5 a LOT more fun to play, but I haven't used it as much as I would have liked due to that crash bug. So thanks a lot for this. :clap Looking forward to 2.0 final!
hey tutsi...good work..will try it soon...plzzz can u also make fields to go along witht he patch now that the field editor has been released....specially needed for tests...no square leg for the bowlers so always really easy runs on the leg side
We've all been spoilt rotten today :cheers these two AI patches, gaMCHanger and a fielding editor a big thanks to all involved...it's much appreciated :hpraise

Steve S.
[went to hit a big 6 shot down leg side and still getting crash with fixed version
Im playing V2.0 BETA

Not bad tutsi, i like what you've done with the power shots - they are more low trajectory and they go to random places

My only complaint is that the bowling is still the same .. its all pitched on the stumps - i am never getting a chacne to CUT or Cover drive, and i might get 1 or 2 bouncers per innings.

The bowling has to be tweaked!!

Otherwise, great work once again much appreciated
maxwasim said:
i tried a pull , it connected too but the game crashed
I have had the exact same problem happen to me every
time I played that shot aswell...

I've tried your new AI patch and it has a big problem
(I've checked & the earlier version had the same problem),
the batpad.saf is missing a lot of data from it.

Being there's important data missing,
it's most likely what's causing the crashes.

Andrew G.
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levels said:
Im playing V2.0 BETA

Not bad tutsi, i like what you've done with the power shots - they are more low trajectory and they go to random places

My only complaint is that the bowling is still the same .. its all pitched on the stumps - i am never getting a chacne to CUT or Cover drive, and i might get 1 or 2 bouncers per innings.

The bowling has to be tweaked!!

Otherwise, great work once again much appreciated

bowling is incredibly dull, also, in odis, forget good line and length, there is no such thing. off stump balls get cut and tonked over deep point. put 8 men in the offside field and just bowl fullish/medium length outside off for five balls then chuck in a bouncer and get them out at square leg.

i wish seam and swing were more pronouced so you need to pay attention to the ball. as it stands, variations seem to do nothing. swing balls are just regular ones that look stupid.

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