Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

Something seriously needs to be done about the cover drive & cut shots, in cricket 2004 the cover drive was an awesome shot to play. The hook shot also could do with some work and the bowlers need to bowl more bouncers and deliveries outside off stump. Apart from that Tutsi's v2.0 Beta is a great improvement. Keep up the good work!
Something seriously needs to be done about the cover drive & cut shots, in cricket 2004 the cover drive was an awesome shot to play.

I know he's been looking into this, be patient.
I also tested this beta patch and straight 6 hit shot found extremely easy as every time I tried it went for boundry.Although I witnessed some more seam but runs were just easy to score as I scored 50 runs in 4 overs in hard mode.Besides,there were lot of byes as well.Hope version 2.0 will be much improved to this.
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hey tutsi 2.0 beta is a good one
but i found hitting sixes difficult with the patch and hitting fours easy
plz see ahead to it in 2.0
best of luck fer it

After more playing I stand by what I said earlier, Sweep shots have become harder, infact much harder.
I will revert back to default til you sort it out, I mean you gotta have sweep shots
ok guys......i thought the fixed version of 1.2 wont crash. i tried to fix it and i played wth it too and it didnt crash, maybe i was wrong coz some shot is causing this.

Dont worry......i assure u tht it WONT happen in 2.0

The reason y 1.2 is crashing is coz earlier we didnt knew how to 100% patch the game so in tht process some of shots got mixed up into each other n stuff. since i dont have a back-up of the SAF files used in 1.2, so i cant rebuild the patch again.

all i have are the new SAF files for the upcommoing 2.0, so the best option is to continue playing wth 1.2 and 2.0 BETA till 2.0 FINAL is released.(Very soon)

All i'm focusing is on fixing the cut and bf cover drive shot not being powerfull enough.

**I've said it again.....n again.....n again......neither me nor anybody can fix the line n length problem of cpu bowlers by a.i. editing. it can only be fixed by exe editing n i suppose sam can do tht. so plz dont bug me wth this same prob. again n again.
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i tried your beta, good effort. for your 2.0: is there a possibility to get fours through the gaps? in the beta it was really rare. thanks for your work.
Hey tussy
Your 2.0 is good but not good.I liked your 1.2 but not 2.0.I hope you also liked 1.2.I will give a small review later after playing a 50 over game.
in the 1.2 patch,whenever I reversed sweeped with Dravid against Vettori the ball goes straight after hitting the bat.If it was mistiming how can it go till the straight boundry?
hi,bharat i am also from chennai
Patch Update:

Everything else is done, i'm just testing the cut shot and the bf cover drive shot to make sure they have the correct power and all.

U guys can expect the patch very soon. I myself realise tht this version has taken a lot of time as compaired to the earler versions.

**Again, neither i nor anybody can fix the line n length problem, it can only be done by exe editing, most prob. by sam. So plz do not bug wth with this prob. again.

!!! WORD LIFE !!!

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