Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

yo Ma'an Tutsi Its Rock Here Also Frm The Chain Gang Of Dr Of Thugonomics John Cena
Waitin Fer Yer Pach Homie
Best Of Luck
Its Word Life
I think there is tutorial from boss in Cricket2004 section and there is not much difference in config in both games.
Hi, tutsi today sunday waiting for ur 2.0 patch
angryangy said:
lol give patch or be mobbed


the best post ive ever seen...

i havent read the hole thing here, but sorry.... WHO cares about such an unimportant critic? do anything you want to do, and tutsi, great 1.2, im still playing with it
Tutsi wats the status of the patch
I no, alot of ppl hav sed this, but plz more bowling out side off stump. That is the main issue.
great stuff

Yo Tushi great stuff man

can u make a patch to configure the buttons

i have trouble playin with is buttons man
So Tutsi ,you are out for couple of days .Hope you soon come with patch as we are waiting anxiously.

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