Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0


I'm quite into the game now and the Patches that are flying about are quality. I'd like to be able to contribute to the patching, but I'm not sure how to edit the files or what to edit. If anyone can give me some pointers and tools I'd be most grateful!

BTW...How does it work by putting the .big files in the root dir for cricket 2005? Do those files get 'read' when the game starts? Do the changes those patches make only remain while those files are present, or do they permanently change some game config? In other words to undo the patches would I have to re-install or just remove the files.

Thanks for your patience guys.

This patch is making the game crash on occasions.
Another thing is that when i get full confidence the ball goes sailing outside the stadium at allmost everyshot i hit.I suggest that u decrease the power a lil bit (it is ok when the confidence isnt so high).

I havent gone thru the rest of the pages in this thread,so i dont know if u can edit field settings yet or not,but i suggest that u shift the fielders a lil.
The filders seem to be extraordinarily agile in this game and practicaly fly to the ball.So to counteract that u can just place the fielders a lil left or right of where the ball normally goes,esp the outfileders,so that finding the gap and gettings 4's bcomes a lil easier.

In all the patch does improve the gameplay,but try and fix the bug that makes the game crash with this patch.
Indyan said:
This patch is making the game crash on occasions.
Another thing is that when i get full confidence the ball goes sailing outside the stadium at allmost everyshot i hit.I suggest that u decrease the power a lil bit (it is ok when the confidence isnt so high).

I havent gone thru the rest of the pages in this thread,so i dont know if u can edit field settings yet or not,but i suggest that u shift the fielders a lil.
The filders seem to be extraordinarily agile in this game and practicaly fly to the ball.So to counteract that u can just place the fielders a lil left or right of where the ball normally goes,esp the outfileders,so that finding the gap and gettings 4's bcomes a lil easier.

In all the patch does improve the gameplay,but try and fix the bug that makes the game crash with this patch.

Expect the field placing.....coz havnt edited any fields yet.

All the thins will be fixed in 1.3
Dare I ask the release date?
Rough Outline
Coopa said:
Dare I ask the release date?
Rough Outline

I can relase the patch NOW only......

What u gotta think is.....do i want a un-finished version?

I guess not.

90% of the patch is complete and has been tested.

Only probs regarding the Cut-shot and BF Cover drive shots are left which are expected to be fixed wthin a day or to. Besides i'm also looking into fileding edtiing so most prob. will also release some fields to suit my patch.

Rough estimate : 2-3 Days (Most prob. on Sunday;))
Yeah I would rather wait, in the mean time though can we have a features list for 1.3 that have been changed so far.

BTW, forgot to mention.....the version of the next patch will not be 1.3...instead....

Tutsi's A.I. Patch v2.0

Why 2.0?

B'coz a lot of effort has been put into the patch, not just fixing 1-2 things from the earlier version. Thats why.

Feature list will be given in a day or so....as soon as i think of all the new and improved things.
It is nice idea that you are making easier the BF shots as making 4 hit shot and singles bit easier and making 6s hit shot bit difficult will be a right way to go.Tutsi can you bit ease up advance down 4 shot drive so in urgency a single can be made or sometimes a boundry can be hit because in cricket2004,advance shot animations are really cool.I hope you have increased seam and swing and speed of fast bowlers so we sometimes beaten in the air.

Looking forward to your patch and keep it up.
Tutsi,is there a way to increase bowler speeds ?? Coz i have tried putting in extremely large values for bowlerspeed in the configs and yet there is no difference..
I Concur with Pat, larger bowling speeds but same speed shown on infobar would be better. More realistic to play fast bowlers


I have tried version 2.0 but im unable to play any power shots through mid-on.Even if i play with the front foot the batsman hits the ball as if he's playing a back foot shot and gets bowled.I reccommend that there should be a differnt patch for tests and for odi/20-20.Please look at this in the next version.

Also generally speaking here why cant someone make a stat package which is a utility tool recording all the statics of a user including avg,modes of dismissal,and various other features(5wkt hauls etc) which cant be viewed in the mycricket area.This gives us a whole new idea as to who in our community is the best batsman,bowler etc.Pl let me know how many of you are with me as,together we can make this happen.Awaiting replies form tutsi and others as well.THnx

Arent stats already being tracked in the game ?? I think they are ..
Reply to Pat

Hi Pat

Yes stats are available but they are the basic ones such as partnerships etc.But not a stat of the user's perfomance as a whole.Eg how many 5 wkt hauls i myself has taken using any bowler,spinner or pacer etc and hundreds scored and my average as whole not of the individual batsman.I hope everyone is understanding what im trying to say

Tutsi forgive me for labouring the point, because I'm sure others have mentioned it as well, but the on-drive needs to be weakened dramatically - I can hit 6s at will over mid on. On the other hand, the cut shots, hooks and cover drives need to be made easier - and the bowlers need to bowl outside off more.

Good luck with v2.0!

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