15 Shane Warne facts

11. Shane Warne can get a wicket with every ball, he just chooses not too.

Then why did australia lose the Ashes???

15. Shane Warne recently went on an expedition with his good friend steve irwin only to meet a spider and teach it how to spin a web.

LOL!! I fell *spun-off* my chair
Very funny, number 5 was the best, and the last one as well made me laugh!

Good stuff!
8. Shane Warne is british, bar the stupid accent and criminal ancestory.
lol, criminal ancestory? So basicaly that is saying the british are ciminals....
and you are on the Jokes Forum....
lol, criminal ancestory? So basicaly that is saying the british are ciminals....
Not really. It seems to say that Aussies are criminals unlike the British (since Australia was initially a penal colony for England).

But as correctly pointed out by usy .... this is the JOKES forum.
.::Stevo::. said:
lol, criminal ancestory? So basicaly that is saying the british are ciminals....
That's what I thought, but possibly, just possibly, they think that WE have the stupid accent. (which is wrong, because they clearly do)

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