New Delhi: News just in, the Rajasthan Royals have gone into administration, and will no longer be part of this seasons IPL. In a shocking statement released by RR franchise owner Bradthelad stated it was an unfortunate decision but one that had to be made. He confirmed all players will still be paid but their payments may take some time.
IPL chairman Rizzyx said the news was very sad but at the same time respects it and offered his support in this time of difficulty. He did not comment on the course of action after the announcement but it seems the most probable move will be to reduce the competition down to 7 teams.
So after this news update, what do you guys think the best move is from here, should we get a replacement? If so does the replacement continue from were brad left off or start fresh? Or should we just go on with 7 teams removing all results of RR games?
Some of your thoughts on this please.