2 Problems In



hi guys two main problems in cricket 2004 are number one lbw deciion most of the time umpire give it out nomatter where the ball is heading for and the other thing is that such poor wicket keeping if a batsmen play and misses the ball 80% chances are that the ball will go for four runs.
firstly sum times for me the umpire gives me dredful decisions and its backed up by the commentators, its the human factor in the game just like real cricket, just live with it, and secondly put a Short stop or a Long Stop in and it wont go for four runs. :)
in a match against australia i required 44 from 3 overs brett lee bowled a short and 2 full balls i left them alone and 2 went for four byes and 1 for a four wides .which makes a total of 13 runs in 2 balls.i also hi 3 fours in that over and a single so i made 26 runs of that over and in the next over i was able too win the match easily.:)
its much better now ...i wouldn`t say its perfect..but much better i would say its playable now.
Another Glitch was when ever the 3rd Umpire was requesting the runs that u have already made will not be counted if the decision is Green. If it's RED well what can u SAY!!!
Also All STAR Squad players will play in their original teams at the same time. DOUBLE TWINS I GUESS....Hb STUDIOS.
and another problem guys... once during a test match.. the close in fielders were so close that when the fast bowler was runnign in, the silly point fielder walked and stood right in the middle of the pitch!!! this happened twice!
guys one more...i was playing a worldcup match between india and kenya. during whitch i saved the game. now i can reload game but after pause screen showing stats etc i cant continue. i waitied for long.but pressing continue gave no results.. and just imagine....i had ganguly and sehwag with a 517 run unbroken 2nd wicket stand. ganguly on 203* and sehwag on 278* from 63 balls !!! i cudnt even get a screen shot...alas wont be saved in my records..:((

this happened whenever i saved and reloaded in world cup mode

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