2 videos

Nice one, is there a blic 99 video on there? I never played it, but it looks amazing.
Kshitiz_Indian said:
Yes its there, and if you want i can give you hundred videos of it at 16X AA even on my MX 4000 :D

It looks really good considering when it was made, no wonder people rant and rave about. Now where can i find a copy............ :rolleyes:
hehe you know what, looking at those vids of 99 reminded me how much fun that was - i still think that version is the best game we've had...the player models were terrible, but many things were really great...i think the physics and camera angles and animations were all pretty darn good considering when it was made...if only Codies could have just improved on that original one...that's what everyone was hoping from 05, but BLIC05 turned out to be a steamy pile of you know what :p
The_gas said:
It looks really good considering when it was made, no wonder people rant and rave about. Now where can i find a copy............ :rolleyes:

Virgin Megastores for toffee, I think it's more expensive than BLIC2005 lol.

But don't count on it working on your PC.
Drewska said:
Virgin Megastores for toffee, I think it's more expensive than BLIC2005 lol.

But don't count on it working on your PC.

I have just downlaoded the demo and i cant get it to work, even using the fixes.
The_gas said:
I have just downlaoded the demo and i cant get it to work, even using the fixes.

i think you'll need a DOS emulator to play it lol...it used to run on the old x86 versions i think...maybe celeron 133 era...jeez, my memory deserts me.. :rolleyes:
I downloaded the demo as well and it wouldn't work for me. However, I went in the the root directory and tried running "D3DLow" and it worked! Hope this helps.
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Both videos are very good and show the game as very very good. The maker of the videos has a talent for this.

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